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Paper and Talk

Providing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with training in linguistics and archive exploration, to support their efforts in language revitalisation.

2023 Paper and Talk participants and support staff, outside Maraga, AIATSIS, Canberra 

‘...overall, it was an emotional and life changing workshop. I personally walked away with a lifelong memory I will hold close to my heart.’
- 2023 Paper and Talk community researcher.

The Paper and Talk workshops are a collaborative initiative between AIATSIS and Living Languages. The aim of the workshops is to provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community researchers with access to language materials held at AIATSIS and other collecting institutions and through comprehensive training sessions, equip them with the skills and knowledge to interpret, use, and share these precious resources.

Paper and Talk 2023


Paper and Talk has several key objectives:

  • Equip community researchers with linguistic and archival skills to analyse and interpret language materials.
  • Foster collaboration and networking among language groups working on language revitalisation projects.
  • Support the development of language resources and materials for community use.
  • Contribute to the strengthening of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages.

The Paper and Talk workshops are open to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are actively involved in language revitalisation efforts. Applicants should have a strong interest in language revitalisation and a commitment to using language materials to support language strengthening initiatives in their community. Anyone is welcome to submit an expression of interest, but priority will be given to language groups that:

  • have no living first-language speakers 
  • have had no or minimal work done with their language
  • have not yet had access to language materials held at AIATSIS.

If you are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person passionate about revitalising your language, we encourage you to apply to participate in future Paper and Talk workshops.

Keep an eye on AIATSIS social media for announcements about the 2025 round!


 2019 Paper and Talk participants and support staff, outside AIATSIS Building in Canberra


By providing community researchers with access to language materials and tailored training in linguistics and archival research, the Paper and Talk workshop series not only equips participants with the skills, but also allows them to connect and share their knowledge and expertise with others. In this way, the workshop helps develop a network of community members skilled in language work, contributing to language strengthening activities around Australia more broadly.

Groups that have joined us at previous Paper and Talk workshops.

Marie Dennis working on Birri Gubba language, with linguistic partners from Living Languages at the 2023 Paper and Talk workshop.

Last updated: 04 September 2024