The AIATSIS Collection
What is in the AIATSIS Collection?
The AIATSIS Collection is the world's largest collection dedicated to Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories. It includes published books, journals, and pamphlets, as well as unpublished manuscripts, maps, sound recordings, films and video recordings, photographs, artworks, and objects. AIATSIS calls these collection items.
How can I search the Collection?
You can search for items in the AIATSIS Collection, using Mura, the Collection catalogue or search through records and images for some other media types.
Some larger unpublished collections have a finding aid, which is a descriptive listing of what is in a collection of papers, sound recordings, or films and videos. A link to the finding aid is in the catalogue record.
See our Mura User Guide for further information about how to search for items in the collection.
What if I can’t find what I’m looking for in the AIATSIS Collection?
The AIATSIS Collection is not a complete collection of work authored by or about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and studies. If you cannot find a particular title, try searching Trove to locate the item at your local, state or university library.
Can I access collection items at AIATSIS?
The Stanner Reading Room is located at AIATSIS, Canberra. The majority of published items held in the collection are readily available for public access in the Reading Room.
Rare published items may be accessed on request depending on the condition of the item.
Unpublished items may be subject to access and use conditions. Their catalogue records provide information about these conditions in the Access field. If you want to access unpublished items, you will need to complete an Indemnity form. You may also need to gain permission from depositors, copyright owners or community representatives, which may take some time. We encourage you to contact us before visiting.
I can’t visit AIATSIS. Can I get copies of items sent to me?
A copy of parts of a published item can be sent to you subject to copyright law.
Copies of unpublished items in the collection may be sent to you depending on the access and use conditions (see below). Please use the
Why do some items in the AIATSIS Collection have access and use conditions?
Items in the AIATSIS Collection may have conditions that mean only some people may view, listen to and/or have a copy of them. There are a number of reasons why. For example, some items:
- contain culturally sensitive content;
- are restricted to men or women only;
- are restricted to specific community groups or families;
- contain personal information or genealogical information; and/or
- the depositor or creator of the collection material would like to be informed of and/or approve access to their items.
For further information please refer to the AIATSIS Access and Use Policy.
How do I ask for access to or copies of items in the Collection?
You can make a request for access to or get a copy of items in the Collection by completing our online request form.
When making a request, we encourage you to send us one of the following:
- A list you have created using Mura. See our guide to using Mura.
- The web address (URL) of the catalogue record for each item.
- The full text of the catalogue records for each item, copy-pasted from Mura.
Please also tell us the names of the particular people, languages, places or subjects you are interested in.
Note that fees may apply.
Can I borrow items from the Collection?
Unfortunately, no. The published items in the AIATSIS Collection are reference items which means they cannot be loaned out to the general public.
If you would like to borrow published items, search Trove to check if you can borrow a copy from your local, state or university library.
Unpublished items cannot be borrowed but a copy may be provided to you subject to access and use conditions.
Requests for exhibition loans can be made by sending an email to
What is the ROMTIC program?
Our return of material to Indigenous communities (ROMTIC) program recognises the importance of providing copies of collection items to the communities from which they originated. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians can receive free copies of up to twenty collection items per financial year relating to their cultural heritage or their family. Normal collection copying fees will apply to any further additional copies.
We also encourage people to check what is in the collection from year to year as new items are added and digitised. -
What is an ABI catalogue record?
ABI stands for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Biographical Index. The ABI is an index of personal names that have been published or mentioned in materials held in the AIATSIS print collection. The ABI can be searched via our Collection catalogue, Mura. The index may be useful for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are researching their family history.
Engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Who are the traditional custodians of my area?
In order to find information about the traditional custodians of a particular area please contact the local area council, local Aboriginal land council or community organisation. Try a web search for ‘Aboriginal’ and the place name. You could also try the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations to locate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations within a particular area.
Where can I get information about Prescribed Body Corporates?
Extensive information about Prescribed Body Corporates can be found on the PBC website.
I would like to engage with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people for my studies or work, can AIATSIS help?
AIATSIS cannot help with referral services for engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities or individuals. We recommend that people who want to engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should get in touch with their local Aboriginal land council or other local Indigenous organisation(s).
How do I find and use word(s) in an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander language?
There are more than 250 Indigenous Australian languages and many more dialects. Each language is unique and specific to a particular area. We recommend that you reach out to your local Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander language centre or community group, community organisation or land council for advice. AIATSIS is unable to provide advice about the appropriate use of Aboriginal language terms.
You can search for languages by name or location with our Austlang database.
First Languages Australia also has resources about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages.
Learn more about Australia’s first languages or the language work at AIATSIS.
What is the difference between a 'Welcome to Country' and an 'Acknowledgment of Country', and why is it important?
It is important that those who are on the traditional lands of Australia’s First Peoples are right-minded and cleansed. Welcome to Country rituals go back to when visitors had to wait to be welcomed into a camp or ceremony — sometimes left sitting outside the camp for days until people were ready for them and sure that they would not bring harm.
Welcomes to Country have become strong features of contemporary Australian life and are often held at the beginning of meetings and events and may include song or dance and other local rituals such as smoking ceremonies.
Welcomes can only be given by the traditional custodians of that Country, or those who are given permission by the traditional owners to do so.
Acknowledging when you’re on the land of traditional owners is a sign of respect which recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ownership and custodianship of the land, their ancestors and traditions. Both Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples can show this form of respect.
Most areas will have a local Council of Elders, land council or community organisation who can advise about Welcomes to Country. It’s important for non-Indigenous Australians to recognise that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations have a lot of demands on their time and that access to knowledge may need to be paid for.
What is the correct terminology to use when referring to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples?
Australia is made up of many different and distinct Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups, each with their own culture, language, beliefs and practices. Explore our page about Australia's First Peoples or read more here.
I would like to engage with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people for my studies or work, can AIATSIS help?
No, AIATSIS does not provide this type of service. However, to undertake research or study that involves Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people you must obtain ethics approval. Before interviewing or undertaking research involving Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people please ensure you have read the AIATSIS Code of Ethics.
What is the difference between a 'Welcome to Country' and an 'Acknowledgment of Country', and why is it important?
Acknowledging when you’re on the land of Traditional Owners is a sign of respect which acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ownership and custodianship of the land, their ancestors and traditions. Both Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples can show this form of respect. Only the traditional owners can speak for and welcome visitors to Country or give others the authority to do so. More information can be found here.
Family history
What does AIATSIS Family History do?
The AIATSIS Family History program aims to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Stolen Generations survivors and their families by providing family history research assistance and access to information about their families.
Can I visit?
We are located on Ngunnawal Country nestled on the Acton Peninsula in Canberra.
We welcome visitors to the AIATSIS building, Maraga.
What is a Link-Up?
Link-Up organisations provide family tracing and reunion services to Stolen Generation survivors and their families and are located nationally around Australia (except ACT and TAS). Their services include:
- Researching family and personal records
- Emotional support when accessing family and personal records
- Finding family members
- Assistance and support at family reunions
- Support and counselling before, during and after family reunion
Is Family History a Link-Up?
Family History works closely with Link-Ups to assist Stolen Generation survivors to find their families and/or research information about their family history.
Do we charge for family history research support?
We do not charge for family history research support.
Can I undertake my own family history research?
Yes you can undertake your own family history research. We provide a range of resources available on our website that can assist you with your research journey.
Does AIATSIS provide Proof of Aboriginality?
No, we do not assist with or provide proof of Aboriginality or DNA testing.
Does the Family History Unit assist with Native Title Claims?
Family History does not assist in Native Title Claims, but AIATSIS does have a Native Title program that can assist you with these enquiries.
What is in the AIATSIS Collection about my family?
The AIATSIS Collection contains more than 1 million items, including books, audio, photographic, manuscript, moving image and art and object material, related to Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories.
AIATSIS Learning ground
Learning Ground
Learning Ground is a Learning Management System developed and maintained by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS).
If you are facing any difficulties accessing the website, please contact
How do I log in?
The majority of users will log in to their Learning Ground account by clicking the LOGIN link at the top right of any page and following the instructions.
- that single sign on users have a slightly different method, as listed below. For your first time logging in, you may need to select LOGIN, then select Request new password. This will cause a onetime log link to be emailed to your registered email address. You will then be able to log in and personalise your Learning Ground password.
What if I forget my password?
If you are not a single sign on user, click on the LOGIN link, and then select Request new password. Follow the instructions to ask for a one-time log in link to be emailed to your registered email.
I am a Single Sign On user, where do I log in?
Click the LOGIN button at the top right of the screen. Then select the Single Sign On button and follow the instructions from there.
Will I lose access to a module once I complete it?
No. As long as your licence is valid you will be able to retake a module as many times as you wish.
Can I save my progress in the middle of a module and come back to it later?
Yes. The Learning Ground LMS will return you to where you left.
Can I pause videos while I'm watching them?
Yes. You can pause using the controls that appear when you move the mouse cursor of the video.
Are my responses in my workbook accessible by any other entities?
Your workbook is managed and accessed only by you. AIATSIS nor your organisation saves or accesses your workbook.
Can our staff do Courses in the Core e-learning suite offline?
The courses available in the Core e-learning suite are web-based courses and so in general you need to be connected to the internet and logged in to Learning Ground to complete them. However, if you feel there are special circumstances and a pressing need to have any of the courses available offline there are arrangements that can be made. Please email for more details.
AIATSIS Map and other products
How do I get a copy of the AIATSIS map?
You can purchase a copy of the AIATSIS map of Indigenous Australia online from the AIATSIS Shop or contact Aboriginal Studies Press via email
I would like to use the AIATSIS map in a publication
If you would like to use the AIATSIS map of Indigenous Australia in a publication you must get permission from Aboriginal Studies Press. See further information about permissions.
Where can I buy an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Flag?
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags and merchandise can be purchased directly from Flag Worlds.
Learn more about the Aboriginal Flag.
Proof of Aboriginality
Does AIATSIS provide Proof of Aboriginality?
No, AIATSIS does not assist with or provide proof of Aboriginality. More information.
We do, however, have a range of resources to assist you with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander family history research. Contact the Family History unit for more information.
Indigenous Research Exchange
What is the Indigenous Research Exchange grant program?
AIATSIS is committed to ensuring greater involvement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in setting research priorities, leading research projects and determining the appropriate collection and use of data about communities. The Indigenous Research Exchange grant program has funded 32 projects that:
- support high quality, impactful, Indigenous-led research;
- improve the accessibility and availability of quality robust research and evidence-based solutions
- support organisations (outside of research bodies) to participate in research activities that will have relevance and impact beyond the community and project.
The current grant program is fully expended. Any new rounds will be announced on this website.
Yumi Sabe - Indigenous Knowledge Exchange platform
What is Yumi Sabe?
Yumi Sabe is a central online portal for Indigenous data discovery and research. It will highlight Indigenous-led research and provide a culturally safe place for knowledge (data and evidence).
What is the purpose of the Yumi Sabe?
To make research findings more accessible, more contestable and more usable. The platform will make data and evidence available and accessible to communities and other stakeholders.
What research/data will be available on the platform?
The Exchange is currently investigating research and data sets that can be made accessible through the platform. Yumi Sabe will provide access to:
- AIATSIS research and data sets
- Project findings and outcomes from the Indigenous Research Exchange Grant Program
- Other relevant Indigenous data repositories
- Indigenous research or data that is deposited into the platform by other organisations, communities or individuals
Research findings to be available on the platform include (but are not limited to):
- Project reports
- Qualitative and quantitative data
- Frameworks
- Models of best practice
- Recordings
- Images/video
- Publications
- Conference/workshop presentations
Data will only be shared and made accessible where permission has been granted by the respective copyright and Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP) holders.
How is research being kept safe on the platform?
The platform is being developed with consideration of the highest standards in regards to IT security and cultural safety. The platform build is guided by Indigenous expertise to ensure best practice in data management, governance and access protocols. More information on security and safety strategies will be provided as they are finalised.
Will I be able to deposit my research on the platform? And who can access it?
Researchers, organisations and individuals will be able to offer their research and data for inclusion on the platform once it has been tested and launched. The aim is to continually add new research to build on the evidence base.
Access to research and data on the platform will follow protocols that are being developed by the Exchange. Indigenous data governance, ICIP and the management of sensitive data will be the overarching principles of the platform to protect the rights of copyright and ICIP owners. For this reason access conditions will be determined by the owners of the data to ensure access is culturally appropriate – only those with permission will be able to access sensitive data.
Research ethics
Does the AIATSIS Research Ethics Committee accept external applications?
Yes, the committee welcomes applications from external organisations (fees apply).
How long will it take to assess my application?
Applicants will receive an outcome within ten (10) working days after the committee meeting.
What jurisdiction does AIATSIS ethics approval cover?
Ethics approval granted by AIATSIS applies nationally and to cross-jurisdictional research. In most cases, approval from the AIATSIS committee is adequate.
Do I need approval from other Human Research Ethics Committees (HRECs)?
Depending on the nature of the project, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities may request additional approval from their local or preferred Human Research Ethics Committee. In projects relating to education or health, ethics approval may be required from relevant education departments, health departments or hospitals for each jurisdiction. The AIATSIS committee can provide further advice on this.
Do I need letters of support?
Letters of support are typically always required for all projects involving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. An applicant may use other means to provide evidence of support by demonstrating the project has been discussed with relevant stakeholders, the stakeholders understand the implications of the project and the stakeholders agree the project is worthwhile.
How do I submit a variation?
Variations to approved applications must be submitted to the Co-Chairpersons for review and approval. Depending on the complexity of the variation, it may be reviewed in-session by the full Committee.
To progress a Variation Request, please submit:
- A Variation letter addressed to the Committee Co-Chairpersons. (see template below)
- The revised Ethics Application form with tracked changes applied.
- Relevant supporting documents with tracked changes applied.
Variation Requests for approved projects that were allocated a REC# can be submitted through the AIATSIS Research Ethics Platform. All projects that were allocated an EO # will need to email their Variation Requests to the Secretariat of the AIATSIS REC.
Where can I direct my complaint?
Complaints relating to research projects approved by the AIATSIS Research Ethics Committee can be directed to the Executive Director of Research and Education and/or the Co-Chairpersons of the AIATSIS Research Ethics Committee.
Executive Director of Research and Education Mandy Downing and Mr Chris Bourke
Co-Chairpersons, AIATSIS Research Ethics Committee