We produce issues and discussion papers which provide an in-depth analysis of emerging and contemporary issues. All papers are independently peer reviewed. 1 - 10 of 88 results.Search Descriptions Author/s Discussion paper 2022 Comprehensive Settlement: Heads of Agreement Dr Tran Tran, Mia Stone, Lilli Ireland, Kieren Murray Comprehensive settlement agreements have emerged as a key tool in the negotiation and navigation of Indigenous-state relations in settler colonial countries, including somewhat recently in Australia. Issues paper 2021 Compensation Claims Post-Griffiths Michael Allbrook, David Reger A new wave of compensation cases are consolidating and testing findings in the wake of the landmark High Court decision of Northern Territory v Mr A. Griffiths (deceased) and Lorraine Jones on behalf of the Ngaliwurru and Nungali Peoples. Issues paper 2019 What do young fellas reckon? Exploring the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth in native title Bhiamie Williamson, Stacey Little Registered native title bodies corporate (PBCs) are responsible for protecting and managing native title rights and interests on behalf of the native title group. Discussion paper 2018 (Re)defining Indigenous Intangible Cultural Heritage Dr Tran Tran, Clare Barcham Indigenous knowledges cannot be broken down into components that are measurable, ownable and owned. Issues paper 2017 Native Title Anthropology after the Timber Creek Decision Pamela Faye McGrath In August 2016, the traditional owners of Timber Creek in the Northern Territory, the Ngaliwurru and Nungali peoples, were awarded over $3.3 million for the loss of their native title rights. Issues paper 2016 Wearing two hats: The conflicting governance roles of native title corporations and community/shire councils in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community governance can be greatly impacted by the nature of the land tenure held or managed by the community. Discussion paper 2015 Reflections on a native title anthropology field school Andrew McWilliam, Jodi Neale An account of new ideas and approaches for teaching native title anthropology. Issues paper 2015 Gender and generation in native title: Director demographics and the future of prescribed bodies corporate Geoff Buchanan While gender and age are often noted as being important dimensions of Indigenous leadership and governance, they have rarely been examined in detail. This paper focuses specifically on the gender and age of directors on the boards of prescribed Issues paper 2014 Black and green revisited: Understanding the relationship between Indigenous and environmental political formations David Ritter This paper re-visits the supposed rift and complexities between environmentalists and indigenous people — 'green' and 'black', both internationally and in Australia. The author writes about Greenpeace's international experience of working with Issues paper 2014 In the Native Title 'hot tub': expert conferences and concurrent expert evidence in Native Title Tina Jowett, Vance Hughston SC Explore how expert conference and concurrent evidence can greatly reduce the hearing times and costs of Native Title proceedings. It discusses the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people in four recent cases. Pagination Page 1 Next page ››