Mabo Room
If you would like to hire the Mabo Room, please complete the booking form available below:
The cost of hiring the Mabo Room is $330 for half a day and $550 for a full day, inclusive of GST.
The Mabo Room is only available on weekdays, we do not hire on weekends, public holidays or Federal Government shut down periods.
If this is the first time you are booking the Mabo Room, we suggest you come for a 10-minute walk through of the space.
We offer set up of the room, access to our IT and access to a kitchenette as per the above booking form, your party will need to organise items such as catering, tea and coffee supplies, etc.
The Wi-Fi that is available in the Mabo Room is a public Wi-Fi with no password so if your organisation’s VPN or firewall requires a Wi-Fi with a password, you will need to work out a solution internally.
If you have any questions, please contact us at