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Joint management of "upside down" Country on Dja Dja Wurrung traditional lands (Victoria)

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Publication date
2017 National Native Title Conference
Graham Atkinson
Doug Humann

Experience/opportunities of Dhelkunya Dja (healing Country) Traditional Owner Land Management Board

The Victorian Recognition and Settlement Agreement that Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation (DDWCAC) made with the Victorian Government in 2013 led, amongst other outcomes, to the creation of the Dhelkunya Dja Land Management Board. The Board is tasked with preparing Joint Management Plans for six parks under the Victorian National Parks Act. The Board’s vision is to ensure that the knowledge and culture of the Dja Dja Wurrung People is recognised and incorporated into the management of these parks, in partnership with Parks Victoria, to shape their future. This process is a recent departure from practices in Victoria, and there are useful lessons to be described from that change. The Board recently recruited the CSIRO, in partnership with the DDWCAC and Conservation Management to consult with the community and prepare the Plans for the parks. Graham and Doug will describe the opportunity that exists for the Victorian community and for Dja Dja Wurrung Traditional Owners, referring to the context and progress in Victoria around joint management planning, and issues which are being addressed including: engagement with Traditional Owners; attitudes of and participation with other stakeholders; the suitability of the process; and, corrections to be considered in the future. 

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