& Prosperity
wishing you both
Propures Happy &
a long life I beg
to remain
your Humbel &
loyal Servent
A.M. Fernando
Sunday 26-1-30
P.S. I wrote this holding in
my hand against
noise & other winter
inconveneance about
me. (Lodgers).

Saturday 26-1-26
Morning damp & dull
but Turned out to be
a fine & warm day.
Roman Rd Stall market
done fair Trade
No opposition the
Jew & Gentiels the
usual shiriking
the Black.
On the Buss conducter
reffered to me coolies
are permited to mix
with white women
& men & that the
coolies of India earn
2 annas a day
& they come here &
do whites out of a living

6-1-30 England
Dear & Honored Sir
Beliving this will find you & Mrs in the best of health
& thoroughly enjoyed the merry season
I wish you all a happy & a Prossperes New year
I am O.K. the Enclosed will be of some
thing to pass your long hour's of in indoor enforcment.
Again wishing you of the Very Best
I beg to remain Sir your faithfull &
Loyal Servent

Fine Monday 7-1-30
Bakers Arms Letonstone [Leystonstone]
Stall Market. Popolare St [Poplars Rd,
between Walthamstow Central and
I was much hustled by the
P.C. & Jews dun me out of
a stand I have been for
most part of the day &
the[y] also set 3 English
young men against me
who called me Black Bastard
& many other & also an
Indian, go to you own
country. Crowed much
amused. I did not answer
sevear boycott did not
earn expences.
Blacks (Asiatics) canot

8-1-30 Tuesday. Fine
Tower Bridge Rd Stall market [near Tower of London]
Alway's a very White market
Police hunted me and
followed me about after
P.C. Sergent 34.M. Spoke
to P.C. M. 162 & 301 P.C.M.
I stood opposite an empty
Stall. After P.C.162M Pass me
and old woman told me I
was to move from there.
then I stood opposite a
Grocery Store ([Wyoung?]) Near
Green walk Rd the P.C. 162M
pass. The frindley nature
of the People Turned
Sergent 34M Hunted an Indian
& also a negro. But not white.

9-1-30 Wednesday
Burdet Rd Stall market
No Sale, much humbug
by, Hostel nature half
Breed Jews.
P.C. Wer amused and kept
a sharp look out & moved
me. Walked about Mile End
in Wentworth St I was
taken for an Arab & called
the Grand mufta, that
I should be killed. by a Jew
who has been at me ever
since the Palastine
Troubel Satrted.
THE P.C. 363. H. is
Speaking of me to the Jews
about me [to?] the Old Baily

10-1-30 Thursday Fine
Dull & But Rain Threatning
Watney St Stall Market littel
Trading. The usual jelousey by
the Tray Trader's.
Limping cockney Picture Book
selling. Stood opos by the
front of me. & did all he could
to agrevate me, & would hush
any one likley to buy of me.
He was dowing like wise in
Wentworth St. Two make belive
drunk, London Raggad's hooked on
to me, & Spoke in Indian Language
as I was unabel to answer them
they abused me. And the Limping
Cockney took up & called me a Black
Bastard. The Jew & Jew Barrow
boy's supported him. A Jew called

Rat. (a seller of Bannana
from a Barrow) thretened
me, & called me a C---.
They are allways Hostiel to
me. The same Rat has
many times openly
insulted me. Besides passing
insulent Remarks where
ever he see me.
I believe he is put up by
usual Jew's way of dowing
things. & he is suposed a
Boxer. (Better than the Rest).
Limping Cockney repoted me
to P.C. & I also stated my
Versen. PC. replied you
all will be cleared from
here. After a Barrow Jew

a Barrow pushing Jew
Paulterer [poultry seller] called me
a buggar, & threatningly
said & that's English.
P.C 363 Heard & saw of
course, he walked away
As I was passing High
St Aldgate. the Limping
Cockney saw me & he
abused me, with his like
England is a very dangeres
place, (Especily the Half-
Breed's of Jews) to Black
The[y] must not defend themsevles,
as they have no national
Suport. (Retaliate)

11-1-30 Friday Fine
Rathbon St Stall Market
Caning [Canning] Town
Very slow trading not
many Jew's or gentiles
Hustelling me.
Children stol things off
my Tray & Ran away
the Crowed Very amused
Indian scarf Seller's
wer Subjected much of the
White Venum. I din't
see him sell any. These
Indian's do not understand the
English or their habits.
At a Pub I was as usual
Subjected As Britis Boast
over the Blackman.

12-1-30 Well's St Stall Market
Fine morning. 3 P.M. Rain.
Sevear boycott. Much remark
about my being allien.
I did not take expences
P.C. Watched me from a
hiden, When I saw him
he would move else where
If the P.C. would do this
As the Alliens (Europ) the
would retaliate.
I took shelter after I came out
of the Tram in Aldgate
where a crowd of men &
women wer, I was spoken
to by Irish who been to India
as Soldjer's, I had to leave & [unclear]

13-1-30 Stall Market
Edgeware Rd Church St [Edgware Rd Station]
Fine 1PM Rain Very Keen
competetion against me
the Allien. P.C. Hustel me
not even Buss fare
Salvation Army Loddgers jelous
& much Insolence & from
the one eyed member
of its staff. The young
man has repetedly
mark me out to Swank
his [unclear] [unclear-ing]
my Cough is Troubelsum
Feverish The whole of my
Body trimbeling. Yet I
must go out. As there no place to rest.

14-1-30 Roman Ford –
Gun St Wentworth St & about
EC Whitechapel. Nothin Good
Fine day. 4PM Rain.
I was pelted with foul
Guts & Paper wads &
rotten fruit missels
they came from the [unclear] &
Frankel the Butcher Shop
by a Russian Salesman
& the manager has many
Times insulted, & also
rufuse to sell me meat.
& also the Cheese Stall
Keeper Maxwell often
times very actively
boycotted me to the would be
Custemer's & Pelted me with
tomato, & other missels.

Since the British scheem
of active Slaughter in
Palastine, these Jews have
been very dangeres to me &
often times said they would kill me
for the Arab's wer Killing the Jews
Since the English [planned?] Indian
mutney. England has prepared
to Slaughter of the Indians &
to further her Sheem of Slaughter
it was found that Europe
must be Broken up & Bended to
her will, so England planed &
succeeded the War of 1914.
(for Germany was in her way)
& with the completion of [unclear]
Goverment House her pland
was ready & The Proclamation

By Lord Irvin the
British Vice Roy in India
was the understood
plan of attack (Insiting [inciting])
& Waylaing the allready
[unclear] armed Europe.
& the so called Bomb
out Rage of British Vice
Roy in India was
only a British plan
as Similiar as the that
of the for[e] Runners
preaveas [previous] to the whole
sale Slaughter of the
un armed God woshiping
Indian's in 1860
(Indian mutney)

Taking all in all the
People wer never so
Niggardly in thought
or habits as the English
those of England. Most
vulger & ignorent & dirty.
Travel through the
country's of Great
Britain & [Iarland?], then
through Asia, you
will never find Susch [such]
Filt & Ignerent &
Barbarick Savages
in India or Asia
Generalley speaking.
Nun Like F.M. CrawShaw
& his Wife to be found
among Asiatics

16-1-30 Tuesday
Stratford Stall market.
No competition Dull
trading. Much Insolence
from working men & women
going & coming at dinner
hour I was ordered &
pushed out of a Restarant
& also from a publick
House. So I had to do
without dinner or
a drink. I was again
insulted by a Paultrey
Barrow pushing young
man & he attempted to
push the barrow over me
in corner of Goulsten &
Wentworth St