Thursday 5 Dec 1929
From A. M. Fernando
To D Jones Esq
Most Honered Sir
I am still in the Land of
the Living & that's about all.
I am enclosing a daily Diary
of my time, Beliving that it
will give you a better
in sight to the Situation
of a blackman in England.
I hope you will be abel to
understand it.
Beliving yourself & Mrs Jones
is in the best of health, & had
a good harvest.
Wishing you & Mrs every thing
of the very Best Greatfully thanking
you for the many fold unselfish
kindnesses I beg to remain
your Humbel & Faithfull
servent A.M. Fernando

Saturday October 26 1929
Barking Brodway [poss Broadway, in Barking, near East Ham]
Go to your country
Bk Bastard
East Ham
wash your face
Upton Park wash
your face dirty Sod
Laytonstone [Leytonstone]
Don’t buy of him
I will buy of a
Stratford. Boycot
Whiteman on [line?]
Whitechapel waist too Late

Sunday 27-10-29
Middsex St Jews & P.C. Hosteil
Lambeth Walk [sth of Waterloo] much
Shiriking V. Bad
Mild End Waist mootchers
Women & men Insolent. [Threat]
Go to your country you Bck Bstd
We got to keep you & Such
Salvation Army Pointedley
(many time) not [necasry/necessary?]
to be at the meeting, & also
how benevolent. Th S Army
I spoke to every one of the
officers & men about my
piss soaked bed the[y]
promised but left it
as it was.
I cannot help thinking the[y]
are hunting me [unclear].

Monday 28-10-29
Watney Street & Hasel &
Wentworth St. Rain V.V. Bad
High St Whitechapel P.C. Hunted
Samboo Be off. (it was Rain
Salvation Armys –
The Drunked Harbour
Scoundrels Home
Scamps Club
Morality & Justice [Gaolers]
Filth in adoration
Lice in profusion
Huming & Buming
Buming & Huming
Murdering & Plundering
Plundering & Slaughtering
is the s[c]heeming and
Greed of England

Tuesday 29-10-29
Hauxton [Hoxton]. Much Boycot
Why don’t you go to India
not come here to do a whiteman
Wentworth St. A Jews
her children wanted the toys
wer [sulking?]. I [?]rew not off the
Black Sod.
Corner of Wentworth & Goulston
street. I was pelted with a
rotten pair [pear]. P.C. Inspector &
a Policeman Saw the pair
laying on the Ground, and
apeard to be amused with
the stall oposite Godine [goading?] I
suspect for they wer selling
that same sort of pears
Once beg[?] a small new
unclear]. Maxwell the Jew
many times & also persistent Boycot

Wednesday 30-10-29
Burdet Rd much boycott
Hostiel Shop women & Stall [hold?]
P.C. kept a continual Watch.
Whitechapel Waist Saw JS30
he looked Vishes [vicious?], after he
passed 2 [unclear] P.C.s Looked
Strangely. I kept on walking
up & down.
Wentworth street Jews
Tray Wender [vendor?] told me to go
to my country. not come
to England & take there
Bread away.
& he also spoke like [unclear]
to a white English woman
that work for Jews & sell
toys for herself [throug?] the

Thursday 1-10-29
Bridge St Market Battersea
is under repair.
I was subject to much
shiriking & told by women
& men pasing get off
Black thing.
Trams would not stop
went pass Laughing
I was boycotted by the passer’s
by walking along the Road
told a woman & chiled [child?]
who was buying toys off me
& the[y] did not buy.
Southhawk [Southwark] becaus a Woman
with a chiel baught toys
of me. Some men said she
will sleep with him to
night. There was a Toyshop
littel way from me.

Friday 2nd 11-29
Roman Rd not off him. Bk Bd
Buss would not Stop.
Go to your country.
Wentworth St & Mile End Waist [West?]
Jews [Bet?] Gentiel’s & the Jews
wer pleasd. they take me for
an Arab. Many said I should be
The white pincpel [principal?] is to in
conveneance [inconvenience] a black man
at all time & the croweded
will suport & the Law of
England’s Back’s them

Saturday 3-11-29
[Wallen?] Green North End Rd [poss North End Rd going into Hampstead Heath?]
Very slow, on the tram
Charley white, goto
your Country, you
would be Killing your
selves, we got to keep
the likes of you

Sunday 4-11-29
Watney St Slow a Jew felt my
bum & I tackeld him, But the
Rest of the Jew’s & Whites wer up
against me. & alo Wentworth St
Salvation Army & its [moths?]

Monday 5-11-29
Burdet Rd Not 1 Penny.
Wells St Sevear Boycot.
A white man came by me
& Sold things 1/2 dearear. he
did a good Trade.
Wentworth St I was [unclear]
But hardly any Trade.
Filth is adoration
Lice in prostuition
White mans adolation
no matter where you
sit or look lise [lice]
crawlel [crawl] on you &
the smell of flirth
every where.

Tuesday 6-11-29
Sexten St Market. Tottenham
Court Rd. Police husteled me
but not others. (White)
High St Camden Town
Police husteled me &
then told me I cannot
stop in that market, &
I am not allowed.
Salvation Lodge
A white man is in
the habit of pissing his
bed I have recquested
to have my bed changed
for it run under my
bed and has soaked my
cloths & my mattress
is exchanged for his
but no heed has been
taken from every
[the rest is unclear]

Wednesday 7-11-29
Rain. [unclear] at
Wentworth St usual
Salvation army
Specal meeting.
International Collage
cadet. Coon not
singing. I was the only
Black man
& they spoke Blacks wer
as Savages & Inferior things
Filth in adoration
Lice in profueson
White man’s [Grandiosen?]
the Christian adolation

Thursday 8-11-29
Burdet Rd a new
police man watchd
me, hiden & came to
me and told me I
was not allowed to
work in the market.
Wentworth St Jew’s
women said [unclear] to go
to his own country
& Baught off another
White man

Friday 9-11-29
Caning Town market [Canning Town]
very [Strange?] the P.C
consulted a Serjent
& Left me alone.
as I was buying
my stock. this &
Jews said these
aliens aught to
be deported for
they come here to
do the white man
[unclear] of a living

Saturday 10 11-29
[Lucerns?] Cresent, Hampsted.
Very [Dragey?]. Much Insolent
of the usual from half Bread
Jews & Irish. & Set children
for to bully me. 2 Women
offered one penny each at different
time, and I notice that an
P.C. came out of a shop, or from
behind a stall. I have
been wondering. the above
to move refered move.
And Women & men in a pub
where I went to get a drink of Beer
I was told to get to hell out of
England. that England go to
keep us & Civalised (took
me for an Indian and they
wer mostly Indian Soldiers.
& also a Tram conducter of the
No 5 Tram.

Sunday 11-11-29
Seven dial Market
Rain. No Stalls of the Jews. No trade.
Mile End Waist.
Italian chesnut seller’s. There he
is the Black Bastard dowing a
white man.
Jews at MiddSex st the dog
aught to be well wased [washed?]. Come
here to do us out of a living.
I spoke to the Bed Booking
Clerk, to change my bed as it
is swamped with [unclear]
sleepers’ piss runing under
my bed, and wetting my bed
clothe’s & my cloths under the
bed. he said he would do
but paid no further notice
for the 5th time since June
he again dun me on the
weekley ticket (5d). Last 8d.

Monday 12-11-29
Hasel St. Watney St. Wentworth St.
Mile End Waist. Light Rain
no sale.
Jew’s & Gentil’s united against
me. These arab’s aught
to be killed. I would only
there are so many
Black Bastard aught to
be washed.
274 Bed Piss for the last 3 nights
it run’s under my bed 264. & collects
at the head of the Bed 265. in
a pool, the floor is Soaked, &
Remains, no 251 Bed Piss
collect at the hed of my bed.
The smell of the Room is like
exhumed grave yard with the
addition of a piss [unclear] Pool
no amount of reporting does any