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Thaarramali Pearson selected for 2017 NIYP

AIATSIS Research Officer and Bama Bagarrmuguwarra, Thaarramali Pearson. Photo: AIATSIS

AIATSIS Research Officer and Bama Bagarrmuguwarra, Thaarramali Pearson, has been selected for the National Indigenous Youth Parliament (NIYP) to be held in Canberra from 23-29 May 2017. The NIYP will bring together fifty future Indigenous leaders from around Australia to talk about issues affecting their communities.

Thaarramali has strong family and cultural ties to the Kuku Yalanji and Guugu Yimidhirr people and the communities of Hope Vale and Wujal Wujal in Cape York. He grew up in Cairns before moving to Canberra two years ago.

His work in the Native Title Research Unit has seen him involved in various research projects, the National Native Title Conference and the native title collections service which provides material held by AIATSIS to native title claimants, practitioners, and government for use as evidence in native title claims. This has provided a strong foundation, he says, to contribute to and grow from the NIYP.

“My personal experience living in a remote Aboriginal community, growing up in direct contact with influential Aboriginal leaders, and my current work within the native title research sector has inspired me to seek ways I can become a better leader for my community,” Thaarramali said.

“Interacting with, debating and learning from the 49 other young leaders from around the Australia will be an amazing experience.”

The centrepiece of the week is a two-day simulated parliament in the Museum of Australian Democracy (MoAD) at Old Parliament House, where participants will debate bills and issues of importance. The final bills will be presented to the Australian Government for consideration.

The program also includes expert training in government work, legislature, public speaking, and dealing with the media. Participants will have the opportunity to meet and learn from the nation’s leaders, members of Parliament, dignitaries, the parliamentary press gallery, Indigenous community leaders, senior public servants and academics.


Last updated: 12 July 2023