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Before It’s Too Late: a call to secure Australia’s Indigenous heritage

At his National Press Club address, Professor Dodson said the Institute's collections are in jeopardy and announced the launch of a foundation in early 2015.

“Long after each of us in this room have passed on, what we leave our children, and their children, in fact what we leave as our contribution to the Australian nation, will be measured by the legacy we build, or fail to build, now,” Professor Dodson said.

“As a nation we must now gather and cherish these materials, before it is too late. So where to from here?

“With good will, intelligent design and funding, there’s no reason why the Institute and the Australian nation cannot do much, much better.

“What is needed, and here I agree with Noel Pearson, is a plan.  A Before It’s Too Late Mark III plan.  A comprehensive and urgent plan to identify, gather, safe-keep and share, the Indigenous heritage of this nation.  

“To that end, I am moving to create the BITL Mk3 Steering Group - a small group which will include notable Australians both Indigenous and non-Indigenous that we can call upon to help put the meat on the bones of this plan.

“We want to encourage young researchers, archivists, film and audio students, editorial and publishing and creative digital types to join this project as part of their studies programs.

“We will develop the comprehensive strategy, provide critical advice to government and seek broad community support for its actions.

“As we enter our next 50 years, we too will change again – the Institute will continue to grow and adapt to ensure it has the best minds from across the country and around the world to help it further develop, protect and showcase this unique Collection.

“In addition to the core business of the BITL Mk3 strategy, we will be launching a charitable Foundation – yet to be named – with the enhanced objective of giving all Australians, the opportunity to learn in much greater depth of the cultural legacy, historic grandeur, and contemporary culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.

“The Council is thrilled that the Governor General his Excellency Sir Peter Cosgrove has offered to launch the Foundation, and we are aiming to do that in early 2015.” 

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Last updated: 12 July 2023