Dr Ray Lovett will lead a small team tasked with conducting a literature review that will consolidate existing knowledge, practice and responses to violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women
AIATSIS has won an important role in ANROWS’ national research grants round. The research area will compile the evidence on programs that aim to tackle domestic violence in Australia. Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) is a newly established not-for-profit body, whose mandate is to provide evidence to support the reduction of violence against women and their children.
AIATSIS Research Fellow, Dr Ray Lovett, will lead a small team tasked with conducting a literature review that will consolidate existing knowledge, practice and responses to violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. Dr Lovett commented that the research will assist with the creation of more effective programs to combat/stop family violence for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and their children.
‘The foundation of a good society are good relationships, and family violence impacts on relationships can be devastating and affects all family members and their communities.’
‘Health and well-being is not just when you go to hospital and when you go to the doctor. Your family relationship is one of the most important factors to your wellbeing and your health. If those relationships are not good, or there is domestic violence, it affects many other things.’
The ANROW’s report addresses key gaps in current research on violence against women and their children. These gaps are identified in the National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children 2010-2022.
These research findings have a dual purpose. They will help create good practice in the future by informing government policy. Additionally, they will be available to community groups to incorporate into their own programs.
The literature review will be conducted from January to June 2015. University of New South Wales researcher, Dr Anna Olsen, will be a co-investigator for the project. Dr Olsen has a background in women and gender studies, drug and alcohol, and family violence research.
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