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AIATSIS and the National Native Title Council sign Memorandum of Understanding

The Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the National Native Title Council (NNTC).

The MOU will promote shared knowledge, cultural interchange and benefit the broader Native Title sector by aligning work between the two organisations.

AIATSIS CEO, Craig Ritchie and NNTC CEO, Jamie Lowe sign a memorandum of understanding in December, 2020. 

AIATSIS CEO, Craig Ritchie, said the signing is a logical step after years of inter-organisational collaboration.

“This Memorandum of Understanding acknowledges and continues the long history of collaboration between AIATSIS and the National Native Title Council”, Mr Ritchie said.

“Both parties will now officially work together in promoting greater understanding between cultures and ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture is respected, valued and celebrated”.

The CEO of the NNTC, Jamie Lowe, also welcomed the official partnership between the two organisations.

“We recognise our longstanding relationship with AIATSIS and it’s great to have that formalised today with the MOU”, Mr Lowe said.

The NNTC is the peak body for the native title sector and plays an advocacy and policy/law reform role within the native title sector. It is currently working on developing a National Compensation Framework, PBC policy reform, and Indigenous cultural heritage management and protection.

AIATSIS, through its Native Title Research Unit (NTRU) has been providing the native title sector with high quality research, policy advice and information resources for 27 years. The NTRU supports native title holders by carrying out research, developing resources, providing evidence based advice, creating opportunities for dialogue and building partnerships in native title law, policy and practice and broader matters of Indigenous culture and heritage. NTRU provides and access to records and AIATSIS collections to support native title claims.


Last updated: 16 December 2020