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Common Problems Shared Solutions Symposium

Developing frameworks to support digitisation of the distributed national collections beyond 2025

We’ve lost a year. It’s even more urgent now.

Common Problems Shared Solutions is a two-day, in-depth symposium jointly presented by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies and the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia to identify and solve common issues and problems in order to preserve audio-visual materials.

Participants will discuss possible collaborations, opportunities, actions and solutions to develop frameworks to facilitate and support the ongoing preservation of the at-risk magnetic media in Australia’s Cultural Heritage Collections beyond 2025.

This event has now concluded.


Online virtual event.

Free to participate.

The symposium’s key task will be to identify collaborative approaches for pooling the existing knowledge and experience – locating playback devices and spare parts, training and retaining skilled engineering staff, and so mitigating Deadline 2025. This would result in extending the preservation and management of the at-risk ferromagnetic materials (video, audio, data) in our collections into the immediate future.

The symposium will invite and draw together leaders in collection management, engineering, technical and senior digitisation staff from Australian and state/territory government institutions, First Nations and community media organisations, and industry representatives and peak bodies.

Join us to explore how we can work together to extend that 2025 deadline and preserve Australia’s recorded heritage and history for future generations.

Deadline 2025

Communities and cultural institutions across Australia are the custodians of priceless collections of audio-visual memories and stories. Such recordings tell the histories of the people and communities of our country, identity, and culture. But these memories and stories are at risk of permanent loss as they are held on fragile and obsolete magnetic tapes that are increasingly difficult to play.

UNESCO identified the year 2025 as a critical date after which it will be problematic, if not impossible, to play and preserve the content recorded on these tapes and obsolete formats. COVID-19 restrictions have already caused postponement of this symposium and the loss of crucial time makes the 2025 deadline even more urgent. Learn more about Deadline 2025.


Last updated: 16 November 2021