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Australian Languages Workshop 2024

The AIATSIS Centre for Australian Languages (ACAL) is pleased to announce we are co-hosting the 2024 Australian Languages Workshop (ALW2024) with the Australian National University. The ALW is an annual opportunity for people working on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages (including both traditional and new varieties) to collaborate with their peers on their research and projects and discuss their achievements and challenges. ALW2024 will be held in Canberra from 20th September-22nd September.


TBC, Canberra

We are now inviting submissions to present at ALW 2024.

We welcome presentations on any aspect of theoretical and applied research or language projects relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages, including language documentation, maintenance and revitalisation, language teaching and learning, interpreting and translating. We especially welcome presentations that reflect works in progress, emerging ideas, and research in the development phase.

Deadline for abstract submission: 11/07/2024

Call for Papers

Please download the ALW2024 abstract submission form and submit it to Presenters will be allocated 30 minutes. Please allow time for discussion and questions. Submissions for longer presentations may be considered where there will be significant audience participation.

In your submission, you will need to include:

  • presentation title
  • contact details for the corresponding author
  • all co-authors/presenters’ names and affiliations
  • an abstract or description of the project or research topic of no more than one A4 page with an extra page for references and figures

Abstracts will be de-identified before undergoing blind peer-review.

Deadline for abstract submission: 11/07/2024

Preference will be given to abstracts with one or more Indigenous co-authors or presenters. We encourage submissions from undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Sponsorships available for Indigenous Delegates

ACAL will also be sponsoring up to ten Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander delegates to attend the 2024 Australian Languages Workshop. The sponsorship will cover:

  • registration costs
  • travel, including flights and airport transfers
  • accommodation
  • a daily allowance for meals not catered at the conference.

Indigenous delegate applicants do not need to have completed or be undertaking tertiary studies in linguistics to apply. Applicants should be formerly or currently engaged in language work, which may entail being a language worker, a language teacher, an interpreter, a community linguist, or a current or former linguistics student.

Preference will be given to applicants who submit an abstract to present at ALW2024 either on their own or as a co-author (please note that abstract submissions close on 11 July 2024).

If you are interested in applying to be a sponsored delegate, please download the Expression of Interest form and submit it to before 18 July 2024.

Please contact if you have any questions.



Last updated: 20 June 2024