Information required Name * Meeting number * Meeting number is listed on the agenda How many applications did you review this meeting? 1 2 3 4 5 How many hours in total did you spend assessing your allocated lead assessor items? 0: I was not assigned any lead assessor items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Please note, AIATSIS expects you to spend no more than two hours assessing an allocated item. Complex reviews may take three hours but require prior negotiation with the Secretariat. If you have any out-of-session authority business to include, please detail below. Include REC reference numbers (EOxxx-xxxxxxxx). AIATSIS has determined that the following REC duties that normally occur out of session are considered authority business: Review of complex responses to Approval with Conditions Review of complex variations Meetings with applicants (as scheduled by the Secretariat) 'Complex' is defined as taking more than 30 minutes. Work under 30 minutes is considered 'normal Committee business' and is not subject to remuneration. Your invoice number * Your invoice date * Declaration I hereby declare that the hours marked are a true indication of the time I spent assessing applications. Yes By selecting 'Yes' you are agreeing to the above. I hereby declare that I am submitting a matching invoice to AIATSIS. Yes By selecting 'Yes' you are agreeing to the above. Signed [type your full name] * Supporting documents Invoice * Please ensure your tax invoice: Is marked with TAX INVOICE Has an original invoice number (not a duplicate of previous invoice number) Includes your name, contact details, ABN and bank details If you are registered for GST, includes GST on top of the subtotal Includes a breakdown of charges as per the below: Application ID Type Actual reading time Billable reading time Hourly rate Total E0123-XXXXXXXX Allocated application 1hr20 2h @100.40 $200.80 E0123-XXXXXXXX Review of complex response to conditions 50m 1h @100.40 $100.40 One file only.10 MB limit.Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx. REC member verification code * Leave this field blank