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Aboriginal sound instruments

Publication date
Alice Moyle

Recorded by: Alice M. Moyle

Aboriginal Studies Press acknowledges the financial support from Dr Carolyn Lowry OAM and Mr Peter Lowry OAM in digitising some of the liner notes of Alice Moyle's recordings.

Recorded at a number of different localities in northern Australia, the sound instruments featured include idiophones (paired sticks, boomerang clapsticks, rasps); the membranophone (the hand-beaten, single-headed, skin drum from Cape York, Queensland) and the aerophone, generally known as the didjeridu.

  1. Boomerang clapsticks only
  2. Voice & boomerang clapsticks
  3. Voices & boomerang clapsticks
  4. Voices & boomerang clapsticks
  5. Voices & boomerang clapsticks
  6. Voice & boomerang clapsticks
  7. Voice & boomerang clapsticks
  8. Voice & boomerang clapsticks
  9. Voice & boomerang clapsticks
  10. Voices & rasp
  11. Seed pod rattles & skin drum
  12. Voices with seed pod rattles, skin drum & stick against-hollow log
  13. Didjeridu
  14. Voice, paired sticks & didjeridu
  15. Voices, sticks beating & didjeridu
  16. Voices, paired sticks, lap-slapping
  17. Bamboo whistle
  18. Voices & large paired sticks