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Native Title in the South-east Marine Region

Publication date
Research outputs
Dr Dermot Smyth
Dr Hanna Jaireth
Dr Lisa Strelein

Australia’s Oceans Policy and regional marine planning provides a framework for the people of Australia to explore, use, protect and enjoy our extensive marine resources. As its base, the Policy recognises the need to protect the biological diversity of the marine environment while at the same time promoting and encouraging sustainable, secure marine industries. Regional marine planning is a way of achieving the Oceans Policy vision. It uses large marine ecosystems as one of the starting points for the planning process by creating planning boundaries that are based on ecosystem characteristics - a major step towards ecosystem-based management.

This assessment report is one of six that are an initial step in better managing Australia’s oceans. They provide a knowledge base for developing the South-east Regional Marine Plan - the first regional marine plan being implemented under Australia’s Oceans Policy. The South-east Marine Region brings together three of the large marine ecosystems: the South-eastern, the South Tasman Rise and Macquarie.