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Whitening Race: Essays in social and cultural criticism

Publication date
Prof Aileen Moreton-Robinson


With its focus on Australia, Whitening race engages with relations between migration, Indigenous dispossession and whiteness. It creates a new intellectual space that investigates the nature of racialised conditions and their role in reproducing colonising relations in Australia.

Aileen Moreton-Robinson has brought together scholars from a range of disciplines: philosophy, cultural and gender studies, education, social work, sociology and literary studies. All engage critically with the location of the social and discursive construction of whiteness.

Reviews and endorsements

'One last thing from this reviewer — the title of the book. It makes strange things happen. It makes possible sentences like this: "Whitening Race contributes to the displacement of white privilege in this country"; or "Whitening Race will disrupt the way we think about race"'.

— Fiona Probyn, Australian Humanities Journal, June 2005