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NTRB knowledge management pilot: Review and closure report

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Research outputs
AIATSIS Research

The NTRB Knowledge Management Pilot: Agreement Making (‘the Pilot’) investigated options for the development and implementation of a legal precedents database for NTRBs. The primary objective of the Pilot was to increase efficiency and effectiveness for NTRBs engaging in the future act agreement making process. An ancillary objective of the Pilot was to test possibilities for increased communication and coordination among NTRBs in relation to agreement making.

The Pilot concluded on 31 December 2010, to make way for the post-Pilot expansion phase. The Pilot demonstrated the viability of the project premise, and was concluded on the basis that all outputs were delivered on time and within budget. The primary output was the development and implementation of an ‘NTRB Legal Precedents Database’. This output was implemented ahead of schedule following successful progress against project objectives, including project scoping and information gathering. Information dissemination has been under way since the online launch of the database, giving project participants several months to test the prototype system and commence performance against planned outcomes.