ILC role in Land Justice: Native Title benefits beyond recognitioN
This presentation will discuss the fundamental role of the ILC in the delivery of land justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Under the auspices of the Native Title Act, the Land Fund and the ILC were established as compensatory institutions in recognition of the historical dispossession of Indigenous land and the extinguishment by the Act of native title in most of Australia. Through its legislated land acquisition and land management functions, the ILC has assisted current and previous native title holders to acquire and manage country to achieve economic, social, cultural and environmental benefits.
The presentation will also consider the ILC native title policy and enable attendees to become aware of the mechanisms through which support for full and final settlements of native title claims is available through the ILC under alternative settlement frameworks such as the Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 Vic.
The ILC is currently reviewing its existing land acquisition and land management program processes but it retains a priority focus on providing assistance to Native Title holders and PBCs to derive benefits from landholding and invites groups to contact the ILC to discuss their opportunities further.