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From boardroom to kitchen table: shifting the power seat of Aboriginal governance

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Publication date
2015 National Native Title Conference
Emma Lee

Aboriginal governance is nested in the commonality of recognising that the individual is unique, has agency and contributes key reflective moments to the collective (Graham 1999). This agency is often ignored, not well-understood or badly handled when government Aboriginal consultation policies, particularly for Native Title, have entry points at the organisation level, such as boards of management and local statutory corporations. Policy shifts are required to understand that the legitimacy and durability of Aboriginal governance is located within the family and not organisations.

Aboriginal family resilience is the shield against generational government policy failure and the spear through colonising bureaucratic structures. Understanding this agency, and generating new thoughts about the spaces where Aboriginal governance is created and vested, will build towards reasonable western policy shifts for Aboriginal benefit.
An Indigenous talking circle will lead discussion around concepts, issues and experiences of demonstrating Aboriginal governance through family structures. 

From boardroom to kitchen table: shifting the power seat of Aboriginal governance (audio)