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Pursuing sustainable development in the face of careless mining

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Publication date
2015 National Native Title Conference
Jacky Green
Dr Seán Kerins

In the southwest Gulf of Carpentaria region of the Northern Territory Aboriginal landowners are attempting to build a sustainable future for both their country and future generations. They are doing this by developing ranger programs, Indigenous Protected Areas, eco/cultural tourism, carbon farming and maintaining ecosystem services. However, some of these long-term sustainable development initiatives are at great risk from careless mining activity across the region.

In this presentation Jacky Green and Seán Kerins use Jacky’s artwork to show the environmental and social problems that mining, especially in the McArthur River region, is having on sustainable Indigenous development initiatives. They also briefly outline what Aboriginal landowners are attempting to do to counter these significant environmental and social problems caused by mining so they can secure a sustainable economic future.