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Places and pathways: capturing and sharing stories of who we are using mobile apps

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Publication date
2015 National Native Title Conference
John Tregea

The search for our ‘Place of Belonging’ in the world is intrinsic to human nature. The tools we have available to communicate place and value have changed over time and now include mobile phones, apps and computerised maps.

This presentation discusses the use of mobile phones and mobile apps and mapping tools to enable the recording of place and associated value, by Indigenous communities and the subsequent sharing of selected parts of the stored knowledge with wider audiences. The software being shown establishes a data exchange standard for saving, communicating and mapping Indigenous place and value. The software architecture will, in time, also provide a governance (security) model for rights management including appropriate access control and access management based on cultural principles. Set in the domain of tourism, the software being developed will enable any Indigenous community to create and share stories and experiences about their places with people of other cultures through maps and journeys.