Principles practiced in transcending from agreements to practicing rights and interests on country
The Central Land Council (CLC) have established various means to enable negotiated land agreements and funding to transcend into the continuing practice of rights and interests. Underlying this success has been a set of principles that elevate the realisation of rights. Initiatives are driven by traditional owner vision and design of decision making processes, supported by accountable and effective governance systems, focused on valuing Aboriginal knowledge and skills, and building capacity. These principles will be illustrated through the following examples.
The Indigenous Protected Areas (IPA) within the region each have an IPA Management Committee of traditional owners who determine the management plan and guide ranger work across these large areas. The Ranger program is a significant initiative with 11 groups employing over 90 Aboriginal rangers in natural and cultural resource management on country. Each ranger group has a Traditional Owner Ranger Advisory Committee directing priorities and providing support.
Through applying lease income, Watarrka National Park traditional owners are working with the Community Development Unit to plan and implement projects to benefit the traditional owner group. This includes the establishment and operation of a traditional owner controlled meeting place on Park leased land that now serves as an on-country governance location.