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Title fights, succession planning and capacity building

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Publication date
2016 National Native Title Conference
Craig Allen

Aboriginal Men carry the responsibility of sharing our culture, maintaining country and ensuring that we have created a solid, culturally safe and culturally secure platform from which our future generations can build.

Title Fight will create an opportunity for Aboriginal men to discuss two distinct and yet related topics. The session will begin by exploring the idea of a Title Fight. As men, we are grandfathers, fathers, sons, husbands, bread winners and protectors of our family. However what about the corporate world? The titles we fight for, and subsequently wear, range in power and stature, from assigned positions, such as board members or directors where we represent our communities through to less formal, however equally important, titles, such as leaders and caretakers of knowledge.

However what do these titles actually mean? Do they provide us with more power, privileges, control or leverage? Are we entitled to more respect? And if so why? And what happens in instances where the Titles we fight for become tokenistic in nature? Set us up to fail? Or just fail to fight what we would consider is the ‘good fight’?

Succession Planning and Capacity Building will then enable the men to discuss exactly that. What are our visions for the future and how do we instill these visions in others? Are we succession planning and capacity building? Whom are we building capacity in?

And what was are the characteristics that we identify in those that we build? And are there others we should consider building capacity?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

This interactive session encourages participants to explore dynamics surrounding these topics and workshop potential solutions in order to create beneficial changes for our communities.