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Harnessing technology to manage native title: TraKS – a bespoke, secure cloud-based agreement management tool

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Publication date
2017 National Native Title Conference
Tim Wishart
Ms Rachel Bray
Eugine McKluskey

Discharging ancient and enduring responsibilities to Country in a modern world presents unique challenges to current and future generations of traditional owners. The nexus between Country, People and Culture is inextricable and irreplaceable but technology can be a tool rather than a threat to that important link. Managing native title is about managing the numerous agreements, complex statutory rights and pressing time frames that relate to Country.
TraKS (TRAditional-owners Knowledge System) developed by Queensland South Native Title Services (QSNTS) assists people to navigate this complexity. TraKS is an integrative agreement management tool that: 

monitors performance of agreements, notifications and other rights and interests;
ensures compliance and simplifies annual reporting and audit;
stores and retrieves information on a PBC whole-of-enterprise basis;
issues payment reminders on anniversary dates and assists with revenue control;
informs and improves negotiation strategy with implementation in mind; 
accommodates change and is capable of modification to include cultural heritage agreements; and 
includes administration and technical support.