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Section 203BJ(b) and regional research – the Queensland South Approach

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Publication date
2017 National Native Title Conference
Tim Wishart

Rigorous research and an understanding of research outcomes is the foundation to presenting credible evidence to support the authorisation, registration and determination of native title determination application.
An emphasis on understanding the traditional geo-political landscape in broad areas is the starting point for QSNTS which has responsibility for a region ravaged by the excesses of post-invasion colonisation.
This presentation will focus on the way QSNTS uses section 203BJ(b) of the Native Title Act as a ‘sword and shield’ to focus on the uses of regional research to:

Inform the description and authorisation of new claims especially in complex contested areas;
harmonise claims that span State/NTRB borders;
identify Traditional Owners to authorise ILUAs in unclaimed areas; and
resist non-claimant applications.

Presentation audio