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Aboriginal Grandmother's Law

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Publication date
2017 National Native Title Conference
Ms Colleen Wall

Grandmother’s Law is one half of Land Law where men and women hold balanced positions with reciprocal responsibilities for maintaining societal equilibrium. 

Grandfathers look outwardly, protecting the camp. Grandmothers look inwardly, nurturing new generations of respectful, responsible and resilient youth who will ‘look after country’ to benefit both land and people. 

Reinstating this teaching system within our respective lands develops continuous knowledge of children's 'place' in society and responsibilities as parents. 

Righting wrongs perpetrated by past policies and present practices in removing children is a new Grandmother's responsibility. A network to 'find right kin for kids' is essential and working to inform Judiciary with 'cultural reports' for children in care ensures they maintain cultural connection with family and country. 

Developing Grandmother's cultural control of traditional practice and connection to country is essential to developing economic outcomes for Traditional Owners in maintaining Native Title and exercising respective bundle of rights. 

Knowing who has right to control stories and their use in economic gain is paramount. Starting discussions on this issue is clearly Grandmother's responsibility as we are the ones in the first instance as teachers of young people in Land Law, respect and responsibilities.