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Opportunities for Indigenous Australians in the Northern Australia Development Agenda

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Publication date
2017 National Native Title Conference
Sally Clarke
Mr John Neil
Dr Wayne Beswick
Russell Baker

This panel discussion will focus on the Australian Government’s northern Australia commitments, in particular its engagement with Indigenous Australians in implementing measures under the White Paper on Developing Northern Australia and other government initiatives that stimulate Indigenous economic opportunities. Represented on the panel will be the Office of Northern Australia (ONA), the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) and the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade). Sally Clarke will give an overview of the White Paper and expand on ONA’s Indigenous engagement. Wayne Beswick from PM&C will talk to the transition in Indigenous land administration systems and discuss how these initiatives are assisting Traditional Owners to meet their socio-economic aspirations. John Neil from PM&C will outline initiatives the government is progressing to stimulate Indigenous business development. Chris Rees will expand on the role of Austrade in helping foreign investors to engage with traditional owners, and assist them to develop projects on their own land.

Presentation audio