Reconciling land law in Western Australia and wealth creation on native title lands
In 2015-2017, KRED Enterprises Pty Limited was tasked with researching models for the creation of secure, tradeable and long-term tenure over native title lands in Western Australia, without extinguishing native title.
We presented on the then upcoming project at the 2015 National Native Title Conference, discussing our expectations for the project and the underlying failure of the non-Indigenous land law to attribute to native title appropriate status of being at least equivalent – if not superior – to Crown title.
This session will present the findings of the research and consultation project including the models for land tenure reform identified and capable for immediate implementation and issues to be overcome to ensure opportunities presented for native title holder exploitation of lands for wealth creation are not stymied.
Following a brief presentation, the session will primarily be interactive. Discussion will be invited on the project findings and recommendations for native title holders to glean economic benefits from their lands without sacrificing native title rights, propelling native title lands into a new era of economic development.