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The Kimberley Land Council's transfer of native title materials

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Publication date
2018 National Native Title Conference
Justin Lincoln

During the course of progressing native title claims NTRBs gather an extensive amount of cultural, historical and legal material. The materials come from many different sources including legal and native title staff at NTRBs, experts writing anthropological reports, historical and linguistic reports, external organisations and institutions, individual claimants and sometimes from individuals from neighbouring native title claim groups.
The KLC has been the legal representative of traditional owners throughout the Kimberley in numerous native title claims. The KLC recognises as the legal representative of many native title claim groups across the Kimberley that the majority of the materials generated during claims belongs to its clients: the native title claim groups. The KLC also acknowledges that sensitive cultural information has been obtained from individuals.
Recognising that these materials are an important resource for Kimberley traditional owner communities for the governance of their native title, and for the management of their native title lands, the KLC Board developed a policy and process to transfer the native title materials to PBCs. The KLC’s Transfer of Native Title Materials Policy exists to guide the KLC in its transfer of claim materials back to its clients, the traditional owners groups of the Kimberley.