Case study: Partnering beyond stakeholders, from across the table to around the table
Stable local level agreements with land-connected people throughout the life-of-mine are fundamental to successful resource development. How this process is facilitated and executed sets the tone of the relationship with stakeholders, host communities and regulators throughout the life of the project and beyond. In developing a Native Title Mining Agreement for the Carrapateena project, OZ Minerals and the Kokatha Aboriginal Corporation (KAC) sought to develop a mutual and participatory approach of working together to inform the agreement-making process. Both organisations voluntarily agreed that a partnering agreement would be developed to inform and underpin the relationship between KAC and OZ Minerals. The agreement determines the nature, parameters and values of the partnership over the life-of-mine and beyond.
This presentation discusses the rationale, process, objectives and outcomes from creating and implementing a partnering agreement between the KAC and OZ Minerals to underpin the development of a Native Title Mining Agreement (NTMA) for the Carrapateena project.
Link to article published during agreement making process: