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Ngaga-dji (hear me) young voices making change for justice

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Publication date
2019 National Indigenous Research Conference
Indi Clarke

Ngaga-dji (hear me) captures the voices and experiences of Aboriginal children in Victoria’s youth justice system . Ngaga-dji is the first time that these children will have their voices heard, giving society and governments the chance to understand how policy choices affect children’s lives and the future of our communities.

Based on yarning circles with young people in contact with the justice system, Ngaga-dji presents justice solutions from children behind bars. These children’s experiences are the missing piece of the youth justice conversation, they hold the key to justice solutions that work. By listening, valuing and acting on these recommendations, the Victorian Government and opposition can create a system that supports Aboriginal children to thrive in their communities. 

The Koorie Youth Council (KYC) invites all conference delegates, particularly those involved in advocacy and justice work, to join us to discuss the stories and solutions in the Ngaga-dji report. 

KYC will bring delegates into a yarning circle to share related experiences, reflections and bring their own wisdom to Ngaga-dji from across the country. We will collect these responses on the Ngaga-dji banner, which captures voices of young people, community and advocates across the country.

Participants will gain a deep understanding of the Ngaga-dji project, our research methods and the pathway to change in youth justice.

Ngaga-dji (hear me) young voices making change for justice