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Feedback / Suggestion form

Personal details
Do you identify as an Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander person?
I would like to

Please note: If you need to request access to a collection item, please see Requesting Collection access.

Provide feedback / suggestion

Please copy and paste the URL(s) to the content in question. Please put each URL on a separate line.

Make a takedown request

Are you making this request on behalf of someone?

Please copy and paste the URL(s) to the content in question. Please put each URL on a separate line.

Your answer may include answers to the following questions:

  • Who owns copyright?
  • How did you come to own copyright?
  • Who owns Indigenous Cultural Intellectual Property (ICIP) rights in the material?
  • Why do you think the material should be taken down? For example, breach of copyright, ICIP rights, offensive content, defamation, harmful, etc.
  • What do you think should be done?