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Educational visits to Maraga

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AIATSIS Education is taking bookings for school visits in 2024. In Terms 1 and 2, we are offering a session titled ‘Jimmy Pike and Walmajarri Country’ for students in Year 3 and 4.

Current programs

Jimmy Pike and Walmajarri Country

Session description: Students will participate in teaching and learning about the artist
Jimmy Pike; his life, artworks, stories, and powerful connection to Country. Using his
artworks, students will explore their own understanding of place and Country. This hands-on
session includes an exploration of the Walmajarri seasonal calendar and develops students’
understanding of the seasonal calendar of their local area. Students will have the opportunity
to create an individual artwork inspired by the style, materials, and techniques of this
legendary Australian artist. This session is linked to Version 9 of the Australian Curriculum.

Length: 90-minute session

Year level: Year 3 and 4

Capacity: 40 students (max.) per session

Location: Maraga (the AIATSIS building), 51 Lawson Crescent, Acton Peninsula, Acton ACT 2601

Cost: All AIATSIS Schools offerings free until 2026

If this session is of interest to you and your students, please enter your details into the expression of interest form, which you can access here: Expression of Interest form

Once these details are submitted, AIATSIS Education will assess our availability and either confirm your preferred date and time or suggest a different date and/or time when we can accommodate your request.

Thank you for your interest in our educational programs and visiting AIATSIS. 

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Last updated: 24 July 2024