Core: Ethics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research in the APS has been developed by AIATSIS. It builds on over 20 years of experience that AIATSIS has in providing national leadership in setting ethical standards in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research.

A comprehensive e-learning course featuring six units of engaging, self-paced content.
- The module facilitates learners’ understanding of how to conduct ethical and responsible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research and evaluation.
- It provides case studies, practical examples, and analysis of common issues in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research and evaluation.
- The course includes short videos, multiple-choice questions, reflection questions, and in-depth learning activities.
Core: Ethics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research in the APS clearly establishes the importance of ethics in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research and evaluation.
The course provides an understanding of the core principles that underpin the ethical and responsible conduct of research with and about working in within government. One of the aims of the course is to provide the tools to know when research ethics applies in your work and what to do next.
Improve individual and organisational ethical standards in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research. Strengthen individual and organisational cultural competency.
Core: Ethics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research in the APS is based around the four Principles in the AIATSIS Code of Ethics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research.
- Indigenous self-determination
- Indigenous leadership
- Impact and value
- Sustainability and Accountability
Overview of units
1 – Introduction
- Where we introduce you to the course, overview content and explain why this topic is important.
2 – Defining Ethics and Research
- Here we define what we mean by Ethics and Research, and discuss the elements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research.
3 – The Australian framework for responsible and ethical conduct of research
- Moving into an exploration of the Australian framework for responsible and ethical conduct of research, we look at two crucial documents; the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, and the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research.
4 – The AIATSIS Code of Ethics
- In this unit we explore the four Principles in the AIATSIS Code of Ethics.
5 – The ethics review process
- Aimed at shifting your mindset, unit five looks at a brief overview of the ethics review process.
6 – Putting the Code into practice – case studies
- Finally, we draw all of this together and enable you to consider what you've learnt using case study evaluations.