3rd 12-29 Tuesday.
Bridge Rd Market
Battersee [Battersea]
Opposite, a chapel. corner
of Simpson st
a Vegetabel Stall
Holder abuse me as he usually do.
he take me for an
Indian & he has been
a soldjer in India
going in to the market
& coming out of the
streets I was pelted &
Hooted & spit at by
Stall Holders
P.C. Sergent & P.C.
Inspector & a P.C.
watched me very
closely for some ti

Wednesday 4.12-29
Burdet Rd [Burdett Road, near Limehouse]
Stall market poor
no competition. Fine day.
much shirricking as I pass
stall. Thus Valla Vall Va-la.
Succka Bona, wash yourself
White. Arabs should be
mascard [massacred]. Go to India. he
is dowing well in this country
(yet I am starving.) & they know.
[unclear] P.C.s were watching me
Younger police men aproched
me later and acosted me
as an Indian. Spoke in Indian
as I could not answer him in
Indian Language. I answerd him in
English. but he kept on in
English, Blagarding the Indians
they wer only allowed to come near a
white man to clear his Boots &
Etc Etc of the usual.

Thursday 5-12-29
Heavily raining attempted
trading. Montigue [Old Montague St, nr Brick
Lane] stall market
about the streets Wentworth [which
becomes Old Montague Street]
But no good.
I was subjected at Breakfast
& at dinner time at the Salvation
lodging Middelsex st by
young Irish men & mootchers
that generally Hang about
Pelting Paper wads & dirty
remark Indians & Niggers
amongst white men.
to the general amusement of
the Rest of the crowd, who generally
supported the Ruffians.
Bed 263 very Hostil last night
for the third time all because I
would not talk to him or any.
And the Bad cold I got through
sleeping on a piss soaked
mattress. I reported many times
but no use.

Friday 6.12-29
Not wet. Rathbone Stall market [near
Canning Town]
as every where jew domanating.
People very emacated Children
Exhausted for want of nurishment.
The same Jew making fun
of me to the Peopel. This happens
every time I visit. As I told
him if his behavour did not
sees I would give him what he
deserved. The Jew’s have done
what they will with the white
man. but he would not do the Same
with the Black Englishmen.
The same jew & others make a
Scape Got of the Indians that [unclear]
I gave a white man at Salvation army
food 7d ticket to get a meal. he was
chewing a dry crust. As he had
no knife or fork. I gave him 2d to
get them on deposit & Return the
2d when he is done. But he did not
He kept the money

Saturday 7.12-29
Welsh St Stall market. Very poor.
very Windy. But not cold.
Dinner at a restaurant. as
soon as I entered Half Blind Jew
(a match seller) commenced
making indigent Remarks. This
he do where ever he see me.
even on [Thams?]. So I spoke to him
not to continue, as I have no wish
to get into any troubel over him.
the Whole of the peopel in the Restaurant
enjoyed & favered him [unclear] & Etc.
Three policmen spoke to me
in Indian Language, & there
opinion allone is enough to
convinc British Brutality
in India.
At the Salvation army Lodging
the white young man I gave
worth of 7d food tickets because
the usual British Insolence for
he thinks I am to be [unclear]

Sunday 8.12-29
Rain & showers. Market
Watney St stall
Very dull Trade. P.C. agrisive
after a Stall Holder my
former enemy spoke to
the P.C. 393.H
The Stall Holder’s Brother
again, insolent & boycoting
Saying he took my Brother’s
address. The Black Bastard.
how am I to earn my living
for I am bared from every
market st trading in
the Streets of London By P.C.
& no use appealing to
the P.Stations. Usal answer
Go back to your country. We
dont want you in England
if you answer them. if you
don’t go you will be put in

The Sunday 1st and Monday 2nd page
has Sliped off from the Book & I copy the
Sunday 1.12.29
Wet all most the whole day.
Watney St Stall Market.
Much boycot & insolent remarks
by Stall Holder’s.
Irish & Jew’s Women including
By the man & his kind, once
through a police man I took his
name & address with the intention for
summoning persistent Boycot & Insolent
[unclear] the matter. I went to the
Commercel [Commercial] St P.Station. There
I saw
Detective Inspecter about it. &
he advised me not to take it before
a majistrate. But he would see
about it. & I kept away from the
market for fear of him.
A man claiming to be his Brother
attempted to asult me in
Wentworth St as I was going to
my Loddging. he is got lot of money

Monday 2nd Dec. 1929
Green St Stall Market [between East and
West Ham]. allmost
all day wet. Very seavear Boycot. hardly
any trade I was hunted out of a side
street from sheltering from
rain. By the order’s of a Jew
Banna Seller – opposite the
Two Jew’s young man followed
me & threatened me up to
the tram lines, where I took the
tram (about Last [unclear] [unclear])
The Buss Conducter’s Bard
me. Saying no Niggers.
You would be allowed in

9-12-29 Monday
Very wet day about
Whitechapel. Not one
penney taken.
where ever I took shelter
Irish cockney, or Irish
men followed. & the would
talk about India in a Niggardly
manner. They have been
Soldiering in India, & very
Hostiel to me. They are
under the impreson I
am doing well in this
country. & I should Spend
money on them they often
ask me to stand drinks
insted of hating these Whites
I am allmost every day
give to children, women & men
some money, food or Toys.
Not out of fear. But out of
my Black Heart. that England

10-12-29 Tuesday
Tottenham Court Rd
[Sexton?] St Stall Market. Not
very Bad trading there are
The moment I got out of the
Tram & on to the pavement
some Irish council Employes
passing saw me, & they
cursed me, The Indian
Bastard, dowing the White
man ought of his Bread.
On the Tram coming & going
was subjected [unclear] from
conducter’s & Passenger’s
who were (Genaralley Indian
African [unclear] and
Arab ex soldier’s) Remarks
he wouldn’t be allowed amongst
white men dirty Black dogs
aught to be extrimated [exterminated?], we
have to keep them & Etc Etc

11-12-29 Wednesday
Stratford Stall Market
Very dull no competition
(a [perfect?] Boycot). Workers
midday passing much
insolent remarks. about
forigner’s & Black Bastards
are dowing well in this
country & Etc Etc
Went to a working man’s
restaurant. The moment
I entered, the whole crowd
Started remarks, Laughing &
all Becaus I am a Black.
A young P.C. kept a
serching Watch on me after
a Sergent & a Stall holder
Spoke to him
Going & coming from Stratford
to E.C. I was subjected to
much insolents from the
conducter. He & ex Indian Sold [soldier]

12-12-29 Thursday
Fine Burdet Rd Stall Market
Not much good. the
Jews are combined & Hostiel for
I am an arab to them.
The Christian are too poor
& easly follows the Jew.
At the Salvation Army
Loddging. Middelsex St
at a Specal meeting I
was pointed out by the
[unclear – Stucal?] man – Brigadear –
& at the meeting I was
called a Black Pig by
the convert’s.
Wentworth St Maxwell
the Jew Cheesmonger &
Fruit Stall along side
his, continue to boy-
cot me to the customers

13-12-29 Friday Fine day
By P.C. 1023N told enimity
Bakers Arms Stall Market [Bakers Ave near
in popalar Rd [Poplars Rd] seaver Boyott.
Did not take Tram expences.
Much Insolenc from employer
of the Tram & Buss who have
been in India & Palastine as
Soldier’s. Coming Back I was
Subjected to much heated
Insolenc from an ex Indian
Soldier. Becaus I could not
answer him in Indian when
he spoke to me in Indian
Language. Another abused me
as an arab.
Bed 263 with his usual
Inconveneanc of Being contrerey
in movement, sticking his
[har’s?] over my face [unclear]
I requested him to get into bed
from other sid[e], he said he wouldn’t
so I forced by his shaulders &
the whole white Tribe against me.

14-12-29 Saturday
Broadway St Stall Market [not far from where
AMF died]
Hackney Marses N.V. Bad
This morning some one Stole my
handkerchif after I washed
it from the Wash house, there
wer Irish element of old and young.
I saw it in the hand of an Irish
young man while at Breakfast
I wisley said nothing & I lost
my Belt in the same manner.
I Saw, Native of Ceylon as I came out of
the Salvation Lodging. He told me, he is
[Tramped?] Great Brittan & been to colonial
India Office. he been & explained his
hardship, he is forced to under go as
he is (Black) not allowed to be employed
& he has no black peopel Setteled that he
could go to. & He wished the would send
him back. (So have I) They threatned
him & turned him out neither would
give him a British Passport.
I gave him usefull advice.

15-12-29 Sunday
Broadway St Hackney Marsh
Stall market. Wet morning.
Much hostiel Nature from Jew’s
& Jew’s born here. Hustel me out
of my standing by there number’s
& jearing me as an Indian to the
Passer’s & would be customer’s
Go to India, eat your currey &
Rice. Come here & dowing us out
of Bread. They live on a handfull
of rice & take the money out of
the country. he is dowing well he
is loaded with money. (Yet I
am allmost starving). Hardley
any Trade.
I saw a groop of Indians they
listened to my experience of the
British Schum. But as I am
not a Mohomedean or a Hindoo
they were both supices & fear
of me.
274 Bed & the Bed at the Head flooded
my Bed with piss.

Monday 16-12-29
This morning again an attempt
was made to rob my Trading
pack & Handkerchief by
the Irish Element as I
saw it. (it was a joke)
Very Large made Irishman (much
Tattoed) was blocking the doorway in
the wash house, he saw me. So I
asked him let me pass when he
replied you, you Black Bastard, I
challanged him. but he made way
& would not accept. 17.12.29 morning
market near abbey arms. No good
Pla[i]stow. The Jew’s done me out
of my standing & [unclear] me to
the crowed, as an Alien, dowing
the white man out of his bread. &
the crowd, supported him in Glee.
I went to buy some bred, I was refused
I went to buy some cakes for dinner
I was subjected much jearing.
I went to eat it with a bear [beer] where
I was made a mark by Jew Barman.

Tuesday 17-12-29
Lambeth Walk Stall Market.
Keen boycott. Jew’s Promenent.
did not take expences.
I was Refused Dinners at
Charleys Restaurant.
Young P.C. Very active after
me. [Till?] P.C. Serjent wer
Comming & Going fro[m] Aldgate
by the under ground I was
subjected much Snubing &
remark’s (they wouldent be allowed
in America. Or any other country
in the [unclear] with white men
England is too free.)
I was much Insulted by
Barrow Venders & passer’s
why don’t you have a wash
when did you last wash
by Jews & Gentiels in Wenworth St
No Trade. P.C. [wer?] amused.

18-12-29 Wednesday Fog
White Savage everey
where. Open Violence & [unclear]
in whitechapel Rd. crowed
Jew’s & all. wer for my
tormenter, all becaus I
I selling toys. A Black man
is not allowed to be employed
in any capacity [unclear]
or [shose?]. This morning
I wer blagarded in the wash
house & the [unclear] [unclear].
Fog not cold. Wentworth st
much insolent P.C. [unclear]
asking questions as [unclear].
Watney St Stall market.
Hostel nature by
former enemy. he is
[trading?]. the P.C. aid