

  Rec. no. Title
  147. Some Stone Implements used by the Aborigines of New South Wales - 1895
  148. Stone Cooking-Holes and Grooves for Stone-Grinding used by the Australian Aborigines - 1896
  164. Message Sticks used by the Aborigines of Australia - 1897
  107. Message Sticks - 1898
  68. Ethnological Notes on the Aboriginal Tribes of the Northern Territory - 1900-01
  127. Pictorial Art Among the Australian Aborigines - 1901
  131. Rock-Holes used by the Aborigines for Warming Water - 1901
  13. The Aboriginal Fisheries at Brewarrina - 1903
  70. Ethnological Notes on the Aboriginal Tribes of New South Wales and Victoria - 1904
  66. Ethnological Notes on the Aboriginal Tribes of New South Wales and Victoria - 1905
  114. Notes on Some Native Tribes of Australia - 1906
  19. Aboriginal Navigation and other Notes - 1907
  117. Notes on the Aborigines of New South Wales - 1907
  18. Aboriginal Navigation - 1907-08
  139. Some Burial Customs of the Australian Aborigines - 1909
  144. Some Peculiar Burial Customs of the Australian Aborigines: Paper read before the Third Australasian Catholic Congress, Sydney, September - 1909
  201. Aboriginal Navigation in Australia - 1909
  73. Further Notes on Burial Customs, Australia - 1910
  138. Some Articles used in Burial and other Rites by the Australian Aborigines - 1910
  115. Notes on some published Statements with regard to the Australian Aborigines - 1912
  142. Some Mourning Customs of the Australian Aborigines - 1912



Reference Type: Journal Article
Record Number: 147
Author: Mathews, R. H.
Year: 1895
Title: Some Stone Implements used by the Aborigines of New South Wales
Journal: Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales
Volume: 29
Pages: 301-05
Keywords: Technology - implements/tools

Abstract: This is Mathews’ first article describing Aboriginal artefacts. The genesis of the article was a presentation at the Royal Society of New South Wales on 5 September 1894. Mathews exhibited a number of stone implements to the society. They included hatchets, knives, a stone used as a mill for the purpose of grinding and a stone pounder. Each implement is described carefully. The type of rock is stated and Mathews makes observations about how the tools were used. With the majority of artefacts, Mathews does not state their place of origin. However he says of the stone knives that they were ‘obtained by me in the County of Hunter [NSW], by digging into the earthen floors of rock shelters which have been used by the natives as camping places.’
Not applicable.

1. Darling River
2. Camping caves in the County of Hunter

1. Mr. R. Etheridge, Jnr. 'my friend … the Government Palæontologist' (304).

Not applicable.


Not applicable.





Reference Type: Journal Article
Record Number: 148
Author: Mathews, R. H.
Year: 1896
Title: Stone Cooking-Holes and Grooves for Stone-Grinding used by the Australian Aborigines
Journal: Journal of the Anthropological Institute
Volume: 25
Pages: 255-59
Keywords: Cooking and eating

Abstract: In this short article Mathews describes some holes in the rock that he encountered in the County of Cumberland, New South Wales, while researching rock art. Signs of spear sharpening were also evident at this site. He speculates that the holes were made by Aboriginal people for the purpose of cooking. He also describes a technique for cooking meat that involves the use of hot stones and water. The tone suggests that he personally observed such cooking in an Aboriginal camp. This part of the article was replicated in a later Mathews publication: ‘Beitrage zur Ethnographie der Australier’ (1907). In the later article he expands on the subject of Aboriginal cooking and other aspects of material culture.
Not applicable.

1. County of Cumberland, NSW


Not applicable.

1. Drawing - Stone cooking-holes and grooves for stone-grinding (254).

Not applicable.

'Stone Cooking-Holes and Grooves for Stone-Grinding used by the Australian Aborigines' (1896)
'Rock-Holes Used by the Aborigines for Warming Water' (1901)
'Beitrage zur Ethnographie der Australier' (1907)




Reference Type: Journal Article
Record Number: 164
Author: Mathews, R. H.
Year: 1897
Title: Message Sticks used by the Aborigines of Australia
Journal: American Anthropologist
Volume: 10
Pages: 288-97
Keywords: Communication - message sticks

Abstract: This article is a valuable contribution to the literature on Aboriginal material culture in northwest New South Wales and part of southern Queensland. It was compiled with the assistance of James E. Miller, a policeman stationed in the small settlement of Goodooga, with whom Mathews corresponded for many years. The article describes the artefacts called message sticks, also known by settlers as ‘talking sticks’ or ‘black fellows’ letters’. Made of wood and marked with notches or designs, their purpose, writes Mathews, is to communicate ‘thoughts to persons at another place by means of symbols’. Frequently they facilitate communication between elders of remote tribes. The sticks are typically carried by messengers. The signs on the stick help the messenger in remembering the message. Mathews illustrates and describes seven message sticks in the article. All were collected by Miller and sent to Mathews. They originate from the areas around the Narran, Culgoa, Warrego and other nearby rivers. The sticks described by Mathews were made for the purpose of arranging corroborees and other intertribal matters. With each stick the message is recounted in some detail. Mathews states that prior to its publication, Miller checked the contents of the article with the Aboriginal informants.
1. Culgoa tribe
2. Tinanburra
3. Clark River tribe
4. Currawillinghi
5. Cudnappa tribe
6. Muruwari

1. Culgoa River
2. Narran River
3. Cudnappa River
4. Bokhara River
5. Cuttaburra River
6. Birie River
7. Mungalalah River
8. Clark River
9. Basalt River
10. Warrego River
11. Goodooga township
12. Belay
13. Cuttaburra River
14. Angledool
15. Tatalla
16. Bluff Downs
17. Coomburrah
18. Cudnappa River
19. North Kennedy district

1. 'a lady from whom I got some of my talking -sticks showed me a bone - the fibula of a kangaroo - with native characters on it' (290).
2. Mr. James E. Miller 'a police trooper stationed at Goodooga township' (see 'other notes') (292).

1. Mr. James E. Miller 'a police trooper stationed at Goodooga township' (see 'other notes') (292).

1. Drawing - Australian message-sticks (unnumbered).

1. Work on initiation ceremonies (291).
2. Several articles on rock paintings and carvings (291).

‘Message Sticks’ (1898).




Reference Type: Journal Article
Record Number: 107
Author: Mathews, R. H.
Year: 1898
Title: Message Sticks
Journal: Science of Man
Volume: 1 (new series)
Issue: 6
Pages: 141-42
Keywords: Communication - message sticks
Abstract: Like the majority of his contributions to the magazine Science of Man, this article replicates data Mathews had previously published. He acknowledges at the end of this article that it is 'abridged and revised' from his paper in American Anthropologist titled 'Message Sticks used by the Aborigines of Australia' (1897) (refer to abstract). The article describes the artefacts called message sticks, also known by settlers as 'talking sticks' or 'black fellows' letters'. General remarks on message sticks are followed by descriptions of specific examples that circulated in the vicinity of the Culgoa River, northwest New South Wales, and the Clarke and Basalt rivers in Queensland. Four message sticks are illustrated and described, all of which appear in the 1897 publication.
1. Tinanburra
2. Culgoa tribe

1. Goodooga
2. Culgoa
3. Tinanburra
4. Toulby
5. Tatalla
6. Cuttaburra River
7. Bokhara River
8. Basalt River
9. Clarke River
10. Bluff Downs
11. (Darling) Ana Branch

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

1. Drawing - message sticks (142). Four sticks are illustrated. New plate, but all four are included in the 1897 article.

Not applicable.

‘Message Sticks used by the Aborigines of Australia’ (1897)




Reference Type: Journal Article**
Record Number: 68
Author: Mathews, R. H.
Year: 1900-01
Title: Ethnological Notes on the Aboriginal Tribes of the Northern Territory
Journal: Queensland Geographical Journal
Volume: 16
Pages: 69-90
Keywords: Cannibalism
Ceremonies - initiation
Kinship and marriage
Language elicitation
Rock art
Technology - implements/tools

Abstract: Like many of the Mathews articles titled 'Ethnological Notes…', this is a mixed bag of ethnographic data. Referring to a succession of six tables, Mathews firstly describes kinship and marriage organisation in various parts of the Northern Territory. He then describes initiatory customs including circumcision, subincision […]. There are also descriptions of hunting, fishing, food gathering and notes concerning aspects of material culture including waterbags, containers, rock paintings, rock carvings and burial customs. In addition, Mathews remarks on shamanism and cannibalism. The data were not collected personally, but supplied to him by 'friends who have resided in that part of the country'. He also cites the work of various other writers including W. E. Roth and Spencer and Gillen. The article includes a 210 word vocabulary of the language of the Chingalee tribe. There is also an appendix titled 'Aboriginal Rock Carvings' which describes rock art around the Burnett River, Queensland, one of which was cut from the rock by a resident and sent to Mathews. In 'Ethnological Notes on the Aboriginal Tribes of Western Australia' (1903-04) Mathews made a minor correction to page 70 of this article. In 'Ethnological Notes on the Aboriginal Tribes of Queensland' (1905) Mathews made alterations to Table 1 of this article. In 'Sociology of some Australian Tribes' (1905) Mathews modified his view that the Australian moieties are exogamous. He requested that '[i]n any of my previous articles…in which it may be stated that an aboriginal community comprises "two exogamous divisions," the reader is requested to substitute "two principal divisions."' In 'Vocabulary of the Ngarrugu Tribe N. S. W.' (1908) Mathews acknowledges there were 'some clerical errors' in the table given on page 73 of his article 'Australian Divisional Systems' (1898). The correct table appears on page 74 of this paper.
1. Chingalee
2. Mayoo
3. Jeelowng
4. Neening
5. Jaroo
6. Munga
7. Moodburra
8. Kangarraga
9. Cheeal
10. Tewinbol
11. Bilyanarra
12. Wartaman
13. Oolawunga
14. Muttangulla
15. Kwaranjee
16. Koodanjee
17. Wanyee
18. Kurrawar
19. Yookala
20. Warramonga
21. Yorrawinga
22. Yoolanlanya
23. Yanindo
24. Arrinda
25. Andigarina
26. Loorudgie

1. MacDonnell Ranges
2. Alice Springs
3. Finke River
4. Davenport Range
5. Macumba River
6. Daly Waters
7. Powells Creek
8. Elsey Creek
9. Negri River
10. Behm River
11. Sturts Creek
12. Stirling Creek
13. Sturt Creek
14. Victoria River
15. Ord River
16. Fitzmaurice River
17. Flora River
18. Newcastle Waters
19. Upper Roper River
20. Katherine River
21. Goyder River
22. Gulf of Carpentaria
23. Rankine River
24. Georgina River
25. Elkedra
26. Alroy Downs
27. Tennants Creek
28. Upper Georgina River
29. Woodroffe River
30. Field River
31. Hay River
32. Port Darwin
33. Liverpool River
34. Lake Amadeus
35. Roper River
36. Gordon Creek
37. Jasper Creek
38. Valley of Springs Station
39. Limmen River
40. Mount Thomas
41. Mount John
42. Mount Charles
43. Mount David
44. Birdum Creek
45. Delamere
46. Gregory Creek
47. Wickham River
48. Auvergne on the Baines
49. Camfield Creek
50. Playford Creek
51. Cresswell Creek
52. Calvert River
53. McArthur River
54. Hodgson River
55. Strangways River
56. Burnett River
57. Parish of South Kolan
58. County of Cook
59. Pine Creek

1. 'friends who have resided in that part of the country' (69).
2. Mr. Michael Costello (82).
3. 'a friend' (90).


1. States that he is 'now engaged in obtaining particulars of the tongues spoken in different parts of the Northern Territory, which I hope to submit to this Society on an early date' (69).
2. Refers to having described 'the social organisation of all the different communities' of South Australia (75).
3. States that he contributed in 1894 an article to this journal on 'Aboriginal Rock Pictures of Australia' (90).

In ‘Ethnological Notes on the Aboriginal Tribes of Western Australia’ (1903-04) Mathews makes the following correction to the fouth line from the bottom of page 70: 'after the word "Nambitijana," add "or Chapota and Nemira, or Changary and Nhermana." These words were inadvertently omitted.'
In ‘Ethnological Notes on the Aboriginal Tribes of Queensland’ (1905) Mathews made alterations to Table 1 of this article.
In 'Vocabulary of the Ngarrugu Tribe N. S. W.' (1908) Mathews acknowledges there were 'some clerical errors' in the table given on page 73 of the article 'Australian Divisional Systems' (1898). The correct table appears on page 74 of this paper.

'Some Rock Pictures and Ceremonial Stones of the Australian Aborigines' (1910) repeated description of Burnett River carvings and their partial removal.




Reference Type: Journal Article
Record Number: 127
Author: Mathews, R. H.
Year: 1901
Title: Pictorial Art Among the Australian Aborigines
Journal: Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute
Volume: 33
Pages: 291-310
Keywords: Rock art
Sand and ground designs
Technology - implements/tools
Tree carvings

Abstract: This article was Mathews' sole contribution to the London-based Transactions of the Victoria Institute. Rev. Dr Walker read it at a meeting of the Institute on 4 December 1899. The format is similar to that many of the articles on Aboriginal art that Mathews had published during the 1890s. Concerned predominantly with art sites in New South Wales, each example is numbered, described and illustrated. There is little attempt to interpret the art or analyse the motivations of the artists. Information is presented under the following headings: 'Rock Paintings'; 'Rock Carvings'; 'Marked Trees'; 'Drawings on the Ground'; 'Images' (designs on wood, bark, clay and other material); and 'Carvings on Wooden Implements'. The article concludes with a five-page transcription of the discussion that followed the presentation at the Victoria Institute.
1. Kamilaroi
2. Wiradjuri

1. The Wallaby Rock
2. Parish of Bulga
3. County of Hunter
4. Macdonald River
5. Rylstone
6. Parish of Growee
7. County of Phillip
8. Bylong
9. Gulf Creek
10. Parish of Price
11. Cooyal Creek
12. Old Bulga Road
13. Milbrodale
14. County of Northumberland
15. Bulgar Creek
16. Darkey Creek
17. Redbank Creek QLD
18. Weir River QLD
19. Parish of Tallwood QLD
20. County of Carnarvon QLD
21. Lachlan River
22. Murrumbidgee River
23. Moonie River
24. Nindigully QLD
25. Barwon River
26. Condamine River
27. Port Darwin
28. Moorundie
29. Lower Murray River
30. Upper Finke River
31. McDonnell Ranges

1. 'Blackfellows belonging to the south-east coast of New South Wales, between Sydney and Cape Howe' (301).
2. Mr. John K. McKay, of Dungog (301).

1. Mr. John K. McKay, of Dungog (301)?

1. Drawing - Cave 3 rock paintings (294)
2. Drawings - Drawings by Natives on the Ground (unnumbered).
3. Drawings - Additional Drawings by Natives (unnumbered).

1. Paper on pictorial art, 1898, Australian Association for the Advancement of Science, New South Wales (292).
2. Various articles on rock paintings 'contributed to different ethnological and philosophical societies' (292).
3. Articles on rock carvings 'written by me during the past four or five years, which are illustrated by numerous
plates' (see 'other notes') (296).
4. 1896 paper to Royal Society of Victoria on initiation ceremonies (10).
5. Article on Bora ceremonies of Kamilaroi at Gundabloui (301).
6. Article on bullroarers (305).




Reference Type: Journal Article
Record Number: 131
Author: Mathews, R. H.
Year: 1901
Title: Rock-Holes used by the Aborigines for Warming Water
Journal: Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales
Volume: 35
Pages: 213-16
Keywords: Cooking & eating

Abstract: This article develops a theme first raised by Mathews in his publication 'Stone Cooking-Holes and Grooves for Stone-Grinding used by the Australian Aborigines' (1896). Mathews describes two 'pot holes' near the Woronora River south of Sydney which he believes were used for warming water. Testimony was provided by 'old blackfellows belonging to the Shoalhaven River and other parts of New South Wales'. Mathews quotes testimony from an acquaintance, the explorer A. C. Gregory, who knew of Aboriginal people cooking in heated water.
Not applicable.

1. Manly Cove, County of Cumberland
2. Dead Mans Creek
3. Woronora River
4. Shoalhaven River

1. 'Some of the old blackfellows belonging to the Shoalhaven River and other parts of New South Wales' (215).

1. The Hon. A. C. Gregory, C.M.G. (215).

1. Drawing - rock holes (214).

1. 1896 paper to Anthropological Institute of Great Britain describing holes in rocks apparently usedd to cook food (213).
2. 1895 paper to Anthropological Society at Washington on carvings (214).

'Stone Cooking-Holes and Grooves for Stone-Grinding used by the Australian Aborigines' (1896)




Reference Type: Journal Article
Record Number: 13
Author: Mathews, R. H.
Year: 1903
Title: The Aboriginal Fisheries at Brewarrina
Journal: Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales
Volume: 37
Pages: 146-56
Keywords: Fishing - fish weirs

Abstract: This description of the Aboriginal fish traps at Brewarrina includes a photograph and a line drawing of the site. Mathews' observations were based on a visit to Brewarrina and other inland locations in 1901. The area was suffering severe drought at the time, providing ample opportunity to observe the fish traps. Mathews provides details on the geology of the area, the construction of the stone walls of the traps, and the ways in which they had already been damaged or modified by European habitation. He describes the traps as the ancestral property of Ngeumba people, though their sense of ownership was different to Europeans. Other tribes were entitled to use the traps on occasion. Particular sections of the traps (or 'runs') had their own names which Mathews supplies. Each was owned by a particular 'divison of the tribe, and the families composing it...' The paper briefly mentions the situation of the Ngeumba people who now live at the government station six miles upriver.
1. Nguemba

1. Brewarrina
2. Darling River, Parish of Brewarrina, County of Clyde, NSW
3. Kiama

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

1. Drawing - Diagram of the Ngunnhu or Native fish Traps in the Darling River at Brewarrina (154). Mathews states that he made the plan 'from a detail survey which I made about a year and a half ago' (153).
2. Photograph - Photographic View of the Native Fish Traps in the Darling River at Brewarrina (156).

Not applicable.

In 'Notes on Some Published Statements With Regard to the Australian Aborigines' (1912) Mathews would repudiate K. L. Parker's claim that Baiame had made the fish traps.




Reference Type: Journal Article**
Record Number: 70
Author: Mathews, R. H.
Year: 1904
Title: Ethnological Notes on the Aboriginal Tribes of New South Wales and Victoria
Journal: Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales
Volume: 38
Pages: 203-381
Keywords: Avenging
Baiame - stories and motifs
Body scars
Bush tucker
Ceremonies - initiation
Clever people
Cooking & eating
Indigenous knowledge - astronomy
Kinship and marriage
Language elicitation
Mortuary customs
Reproduction - childbirth
Stories & motifs
Technology - implements/tools

Abstract: At a length of 178 pages, this is the most substantial journal article published by Mathews. With the addition of some extra material (on circumcision and subincision), it was entirely republished one year later as a book. For a detailed abstract see entry for Ethnological Notes on the Aboriginal Tribes of New South Wales and Victoria (1905).
1. Nguemba
2. Kamilaroi
3. Wirraidyuri
4. Thurrawal
5. Wombya
6. Parnkall community
7. Wailwan
8. Wongaibon
9. Thangatti
10. Kumbainggeri
11. Thoorga
12. Wirraidyuri language
13. Tharumba
14. Tyat-tyalli language
15. Wimmera
16. Woiwurru
17. Bunwurru
18. Wuddyawurru
19. Thaguwurru
20. Tyapwurru
21. Dhauhurtwurru
22. Bungandity
23. Peekwurru
24. Chaapwurru
25. Yota-Yota
26. Darkinung
27. Nimbaldi
28. Kurna

1. Barwon River
2. Namoi River
3. Castlereagh River
4. Jerry's Plains (Hunter River)
5. Hunter River
6. Walgett
7. Mungindi on the Barwon River
8. Namoi River
9. Gwydir River
10. Hawkesbury River
11. Cape Howe
12. Brewarrina
13. Darling River
14. Bogan River
15. Nyngan
16. Cobar
17. Byrock
18. Mulga Creek
19. Macleay River
20. Narooma, County of Dampier
21. County of Dampier
22. Upper Lachlan River
23. Clarence River
24. County of Kara-Kara, VIC
25. Bourke, NSW
26. Louth, NSW
27. Swan Hill, VIC
28. Murray River
29. Grampian Hills
30. Wimmera River
31. Beaufort
32. Hexham
33. Wickliffe
34. Port Lincoln, SA
35. Lake Eyre Basin, SA
36. Warrnambool, VIC
37. Portland
38. Dhinmar (Lady Julia Percy Island)
39. Geelong, VIC
40. Castlemaine, VIC
41. Pyramid Hill
42. Forest Hill
43. Sturt's Creek, WA
44. Ord River, WA
45. Fitzroy River, WA
46. Upper Murray River
47. Mitta River
48. Kiewa River
49. Ovens River
50. Buffalo River
51. Upper Goulburn River
52. King River
53. Broken River
54. Yarra River
55. Saltwater River
56. Avoca River
57. Byrock, Parish of Bye, County of Cowper
58. Western Railway Line
59. Caronga Peak woolshed, near Byrock
60. Wilgaroon
61. Wittaguna
62. Lake Cudgellico
63. Kangaroo Valley
64. Upper Lachlan River
65. Port Phillip, VIC
66. Mount Freeling, SA
67. Daly River, NT
68. Tuross River
69. Mehi River
70. Gwydir River
71. Jeparit
72. Horsham Plain
73. Lake Hindmarsh
74. Lake Albacutya
75. Wonga Lake
76. Pine Plain
77. Cow Plain
78. Mukbilli
79. Milparinka
80. Tibooburra
81. Cobham
82. Broken Hill

See 1905 version of this paper for further information.
'Social Organisation of the Ngeumba Tribe, New South Wales' (1908) adds a genealogical table to supplement the material here on the Blood and Shade divisions.
'Folklore of some Aboriginal Tribes of Victoria' (1907) adds further stories from Victoria to those published here.




Reference Type: Book**
Record Number: 66
Author: Mathews, R. H.
Year: 1905
Title: Ethnological Notes on the Aboriginal Tribes of New South Wales and Victoria
City: Sydney
Publisher: F.W. White General Printer
Number of Pages: 183
Keywords: Avenging
Baiame - stories and motifs
Body scars
Bush tucker
Ceremonies - initiation
Clever people
Cooking & eating
Indigenous knowledge - astronomy
Kinship and marriage
Language elicitation
Mortuary customs
Reproduction - childbirth
Stories & motifs
Technology - implements/tools

Abstract: Running to 183 pages, this book is Mathews' longest and most substantial anthropological publication. Printed by W. F. White in Sydney, it was jointly funded by Mathews and the Royal Society of New South Wales. While the ten-page appendix is new, the remainder of the text-as the author acknowledges-is an exact replication of the long article of the same title, published in in 1904. It was not common for the Royal Society to publish articles of such great length. Perhaps in recognition of Mathews' substantial publication record the society accommodated this article in the journal and then assisted financially in the production of the book. However the involvement of the Royal Society imposed certain restrictions upon Mathews who, by 1905, had been regularly publishing ethnological material for twelve years, and would have been in a position to release his major findings in book form. This was not possible in a publication backed by the Royal Society which had received complaints about Mathews republishing in different journals some of his early articles on initiation and rock art. The society insisted, as Mathews states, that the 'Ethnological Notes' contain 'original matter only, which had never been published anywhere before'. Mathews could not re-present or refine earlier findings and found it necessary to 'enumerate all my former works' in a bibliography. Ninety-five publications are listed, although the bibliography is not definitive. Some publications, including all his contributions to Science of Man, are omitted. Others, listed as independent titles (eg. 'Dharruk Language and Vocabulary'), are only sections or appendices of other articles. Owing to the length of this publication, it is not possible to give a full summary in this abstract. The overall scope of the book can be determined from the Table of Contents, cited below.

System of Spelling
Sociology of the Nguemba Tribes
Sociology of the Kamilaroi Tribes
Sociology of the Thurrawal Tribes
The Nguemba Language
The Nguemba Vocabulary
Language of the Thangatti Tribe
Thangatti Vocabulary
Pirrimbir or Avenging Expedition
Explanation of Illustration
The Search for Food
Food Regulations, Totems, etc
Mumbirbirri or Scarring the Body
Some Burial and Mourning Customs
Sorcery or Magic
Aboriginal Astronomy-the Zodiac
Sociology of the Tribes of Western Victoria
Sociology of the Tribes of Eastern Victoria
Language of Mothers-in-law
The Wonggoa or Wongupka Ceremony
The Tyibbauga Ceremony
The Dolgarrity Ceremony
Notes on the Initiation of Girls
Aboriginal Mythology and Folklore
- Baiame
- Dhurramulan
- Miscellaneous Superstitions
- Dyillagamberra the Rainmaker
- How the Wongaibon obtained Fire
- How Water was obtained by the Makilaroi People
- The Dhiel and her Water-trough
- Yandhangga
- The Moon and its Halo
- Two Young Men and the Moon
- The Yaroma
- Wallanthagang
- The Wawi and the Song-makers
Achievements of the Brambambults
1. The Ngihdyal
2. Ngaut-ngaut
3. Wirnbullain
4. Dyuni-dyunity
5. Gartuk
Rite of Subincision
Additional Folklore
The Bat, his Wives and the Native Cat
Origin of Tulliwaka Ana-branch

As the Table of Contents indicates, the book is something of a mixed bag of ethnographic data. In some parts, such as the sections on the Nguemba and Thangatti languages, the exposition is similar to that of his many other articles containing linguistic documentation. Yet there are aspects of this book that break new ground. The Preface contains information on Mathews' motivations and working methods. The Introduction opens with two pages of autobiographical reflections on the author's childhood and background as a surveyor. The material on the 'Sociology of the Ngeumba Tribe' contains data not previously reported by any author. The Ngeumba-speaking people, according to Mathews, 'formerly occupied the country from Brewarrina to the Darling River southerly up the Bogan almost to Nyngan.' Their territory also stretched westwards beyond Cobar and Byrock, including 'the upper portions of Mulga Creek and surrounding country'. In his writings on Aboriginal kinship and marriage, Mathews had written extensively about the phratries (moieties), sections and totemic groups into which communities were divided. While Mathews' research pointed to the existence of a similar kinship structure in Ngeumba society, he writes that the system was further complicated by 'blood' and 'shade' divisions which he refers to as 'castes'. These caste distinctions, he reports, must also be taken into account when spouses are selected. They also 'regulate the camping or resting places of the people under the shades of large trees in the vicinity of water or elsewhere'. Many other sections of the book contain unique insights on Aboriginal life in Victoria and New South Wales. Especially notable are the sections on childbirth, scarification, burial and astronomy. The 'Notes on the Initiation of Girls' run to only two-and-a-half pages, but they are notable because the (mostly male) anthropologists of this period paid scant attention to the ceremonial life of women. The section titled 'Aboriginal Mythology and Folklore' is Mathews' most substantial documentation of story-telling traditions. Although he retells the stories in his own words (he never attempted to replicate the syntax of his informants), the documentation is invaluable. Individual informants are not identified, however he does name the tribe or locality from which each story originated. Mathews' perspective as a surveyor-his interest in topographical specificity-is fully apparent in his recording of folklore. The stories frequently explain the formation of rivers, mountains and other landmarks. The section of the appendix titled 'The Rite of Subincision' was not included in the 1904 version of the publication is preceded with a warning that parts of it are 'not suitable for the general lay reader'. It describes the initiatory rite of subincision, […] which was practised in a small part of northwest New South Wales (and in many other parts of Australia). Mathews describes the operation in some detail and reproduces two photographs of a subincised penis that were first published by Professor T. P. Anderson-Stuart in volume 30 of the Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales. In 'Sociology of some Australian Tribes' (1905) Mathews modified his view that the Australian moieties are exogamous. He requested that '[i]n any of my previous articles…in which it may be stated that an aboriginal community comprises 'two exogamous divisions,' the reader is requested to substitute 'two principal divisions.'' In 'Australian Folk-tales' (1909) he revealed that the story of Yarroma was told to him by the Jirringan (Dyirringan) tribe of the New South Wales South Coast.
1. Nguemba
2. Kamilaroi
3. Wirraidyuri
4. Thurrawal
5. Wombya
6. Parnkall community
7. Wailwan
8. Wongaibon
9. Thangatti
10. Kumbainggeri
11. Thoorga
12. Wirraidyuri language
13. Tharumba
14. Tyat-tyalli language
15. Wimmera
16. Woiwurru
17. Bunwurru
18. Wuddyawurru
19. Thaguwurru
20. Tyapwurru
21. Dhauhurtwurru
22. Bungandity
23. Peekwurru
24. Chaapwurru
25. Yota-Yota
26. Darkinung
27. Nimbaldi
28. Kurna

1. Barwon River
2. Namoi River
3. Castlereagh River
4. Jerry's Plains (Hunter River)
5. Hunter River
6. Walgett
7. Mungindi on the Barwon River
8. Namoi River
9. Gwydir River
10. Hawkesbury River
11. Cape Howe
12. Brewarrina
13. Darling River
14. Bogan River
15. Nyngan
16. Cobar
17. Byrock
18. Mulga Creek
19. Macleay River
20. Narooma, County of Dampier
21. County of Dampier
22. Upper Lachlan River
23. Clarence River
24. County of Kara-Kara, VIC
25. Bourke, NSW
26. Louth, NSW
27. Swan Hill, VIC
28. Murray River
29. Grampian Hills
30. Wimmera River
31. Beaufort
32. Hexham
33. Wickliffe
34. Port Lincoln, SA
35. Lake Eyre Basin, SA
36. Warrnambool, VIC
37. Portland
38. Dhinmar (Lady Julia Percy Island)
39. Geelong, VIC
40. Castlemaine, VIC
41. Pyramid Hill
42. Forest Hill
43. Sturt's Creek, WA
44. Ord River, WA
45. Fitzroy River, WA
46. Upper Murray River
47. Mitta River
48. Kiewa River
49. Ovens River
50. Buffalo River
51. Upper Goulburn River
52. King River
53. Broken River
54. Yarra River
55. Saltwater River
56. Avoca River
57. Byrock, Parish of Bye, County of Cowper
58. Western Railway Line
59. Caronga Peak woolshed, near Byrock
60. Wilgaroon
61. Wittaguna
62. Lake Cudgellico
63. Kangaroo Valley
64. Upper Lachlan River
65. Port Phillip, VIC
66. Mount Freeling, SA
67. Daly River, NT
68. Tuross River
69. Mehi River
70. Gwydir River
71. Jeparit
72. Horsham Plain
73. Lake Hindmarsh
74. Lake Albacutya
75. Wonga Lake
76. Pine Plain
77. Cow Plain
78. Mukbilli
79. Milparinka
80. Tibooburra
81. Cobham
82. Broken Hill

1. 'my aboriginal informants' (v).
2. 'the wife of a station manager in the north-western districts of New South Wales. This lady had been a trained nurse and has witnessed several cases of accouchement among the black women on the station where she resided' - childbirth (15).
3. 'the aboriginal speakers' - Thangatti vocabulary (34).
4. 'the remnants of the native tribes' - avenging expedition (37).
5. 'two old aborigines' - tree markings and songs (48).
6. 'the aborigines in various places in New South Wales and Victoria' - food procurement (50).
7. 'My informants were old men who had been operated on in their youth, who showed me their scars, and had a very vivid recollection of the formalities connected with the ordeal' - scarring (60).
8. 'old blackfellows' - on trees and astronomy (80).
9. 'old natives' - star names (81).
10. 'A very old Gurgoity blackfellow on the Wimmera River' (90).
11. 'native men who had passed through the ceremonies' (105).
12. 'an old woman of the Wuddyawurru tribe' - several interviews 'respecting the language and customs of her people (133).
13. 'an old native' on the Mitta Mitta and Ovens Rivers - on the initiation of girls (134).
14. 'old men and women' (135) - myths and folklore

Not applicable.

1. Photographs of a tree marked by Pirrimbir Warriors (49).
2. Photographs showing the the effect of subincision on the organ (175).

1. 1904 article of same title: 'This fact will no doubt be considered a sufficient guarantee that it is up to the standard required in scientific investigations' (iii).
2. States that the Royal Society of New South Wales has restricted him to 'original matter only, which had never been published anywhere before' (iv), and that, because he couldn't include any of his previous writings, he had to 'enumerate all my former works in the 'Bibliography'' (iv).
3. 'I have recorded and published the grammars of fifty Australian languages and dialects' (iv).
4. Refers readers to 'the comprehensive maps of Australia printed in some of the articles enumerated in the 'Bibliography'' (v).
5. In previous contributions 'I have comprehensively dealt with aboriginal rock-pictures, languages, the bora and several other initiation ceremonies, bullroarers, message-sticks, and native customs generally' (vi).
6. More self-promotion: 'my works have been distributed into the libraries of most of the learned Societies throughout the world' (vi).
7. Refers to methods of other researchers: 'I have adopted none of the opinions nor followed any of the methods of other Australian authors, but have struck out on my own lines, recording all the new and interesting facts within my reach' (2, emphasis added).
8. Treatises on aboriginal ceremonies and customs published in European and American journals (2-3).
9. States that he has introduced some additional rules of orthoepy to meet the requirements of Australian pronunciation (3).
10. Original work on Kamilaroi grammar and vocabulary, published last year (13).
11. Refers to work published on the secret language of the Kamilaroi 1902 (14).
12. Article contributed to Royal Society of New South Wales in 1900 re Thurrawal social organisation (14).
13. 1898 report on eight sections of Wombya tribe, NT (15).
14. 1900 report on eight sections of Wombya tribe, NT (15).
15. Reports that the languages of both Wailwan and Wongaibon have already been published by himself (17).
16. Refers to himself as the first author to report on the importance of pronouns (19).
17. Grammar and vocabulary of Wirraidyuri language contributed to Anthropological Institute of Great Britain 1904 (60-1).
18. Initiation ceremonies of Wirraidyuri contributed to Royal Geographical Society at Brisbane, 1896 (61).
19. Social organisation of Wirraidyuri contributed in two articles to Anthropological Society at Washington in 1897 (61).
20. Dolgarrity ceremony (84).
21. Article on origin of the intermarrying divisions of Australian tribes, read at International Congress on Anthropology and Archæology held at Paris in 1900 (88).
22. Article on sectional divisions, 1897 (88).
23. Article on 'confederacy' hypothesis: 'possibly in the distant past the present names of the sections represented small independent tribes, which became incorporated with each other, for the purpoe of mutual defence, or for other reasons' (88).
24. Tyat-tyalli grammar and vocabulary published in 1902 (90).
25. 1900 - marriage laws of Parnkall nation (94).
26. 1900 - 'limits of the country occupied by the Parnkall nation, and supplied a map, which no previous author had attempted, in which the boundaries were accurately delineated' (94).
27. 1900 - initiation ceremonies of the Parnkalla nation (94).
28. Intermarrying laws and inaugural ceremonies among eastern Victoria tribes, contributed to Anthropological Society at Washington in 1898 (96).
29. 1899 sociology of tribes on Sturt's Creek, Ord River, Fitzroy River, WA, 'which was the first time the eight-section system had ever been reported in that State' (103).
30. 1900 article on geographic limits of eight-section system (103): 'I was the first to observe and publish the marriages which are provisionally distinguished as 'alternative,' 'rare,' and 'exceptional'' (103).
31. Grammars published in New South Wales and America on south-western Victorian languages (102-3).
32. Work on mystic language of the Kamilaroi, communicated to the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain (104).
33. Kannety ceremony of initiation in south-west Victoria (120).
34. Wonggumuk ceremony in central and northern districts of Victoria (120).
35. Grinding places reported and illustrated previously (140).
36. Additional information supplied in a paper which was read before the Royal Society of New South Wales in 1904 (174).
37. 1900 article on phallic rites and initiation ceremonies in SA (174). Photographs of subincised penis complement this article (174).

‘Australian Folk-tales’ (1909) reveals that the story of Yarroma was told to Mathews by the Jirringan (Dyirringan) tribe of the New South Wales South Coast.




Reference Type: Journal Article
Record Number: 114
Author: Mathews, R. H.
Year: 1906
Title: Notes on Some Native Tribes of Australia
Journal: Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales
Volume: 40
Pages: 95-129
Keywords: Avenging
Bush tucker
Ceremonial objects - Bullroarers
Cooking & eating
Pastoral industry workers
Kinship and marriage
Language elicitation
Stories & motifs

Abstract: Mathews states that his intention in this article is to 'deal with the sociology, language, and customs of some native tribes located in parts of the continent far removed from each other'. He addresses a different theme in each of eight sub-titled sections. The first, headed 'Sociology of the Kurnu Tribe', concerns the Aboriginal people who occupy 'both sides of the Darling River, from Bourke down to Winbar Station, extending back both northward and southward into the hinterland of the Darling for long distances'. The community, he says, is divided into two moieties or 'cycles', each of which is further divided into two sections. Members of one section must find their spouse from members of another, designated section. Mathews states that '[e]verything in the universe, animate and inanimate, belongs to one or other of the two cycles'. In addition, 'every individual in the community claims some animal or plant or other object as his or her totem'. The kinship system of the Kurnu people also divides the community into 'bloods' and 'shades', similar to that of the nearby Ngeumba people which Mathews described in Ethnological Notes on the Aboriginal Tribes of New South Wales and Victoria (1905) and other publications. There is extended discussion of how the kinship system operates in a practical sense. The second section is titled 'Sharing of game and other food'. Most of the information is not specific to particular parts of the country. Rather it describes customs 'universal' in Aboriginal Australia. Mathews describes how an animal is divided among relatives. Particular people get particular parts of an animal, while the hunter keeps the worst parts for himself. A similar practice is followed with yams, fruit, seeds, etc. The third section is titled 'Sociology of the Chau-an tribe'. The Chau-an occupy the country around the Katherine River in the Northern Territory. Mathews supplies information on Chau-an marriage and kinship. The community is divided into two moieties or 'cycles', each of which has four sections. Mathews explains the marriage laws, claiming that a man can marry women from various sections in accord with his theory on the admissibility of 'irregular' or 'alternative' marriages. He goes on to describe the importance of totems and spirit ancestors to mythology, and he refers to work by others writers on Aboriginal spirit ancestors and reincarnation. Section 4 is titled 'Languages of tribes about Alice Springs'. It opens with advice on how to get to Alice Springs from Adelaide. Mathews hopes this will encourage other researchers to record ethnographic information. However he makes no claim to having made the journey himself. He then discusses the ways in which Aboriginal people are finding employment in the region. The actual description of the language is sketchy. He details the pronouns in Arranda and Loritya. He also gives an 89-word vocabulary of the Loritya language. This was sent to him 'by one of my most valued correspondents in that locality'. A section titled 'Native shoes in the Northern Territory' describes the bark shoes sometimes worn when traversing the hot desert country. Referring to the work of E. M. Curr, he also describes the 'kooditcha' shoes made of feathers and worn by 'Shamans of the tribe' so as to leave no tracks. The section titled 'Bullroarers' describes two kinds of instrument used in the Adelaide district: one for ceremonial purposes and one for hunting. A section titled 'Naming of some native languages' discusses the custom of naming Aboriginal tribes after the negative adverb in their language. The eighth and final section is titled 'Gure or Avenging Party'. Mathews discusses the need amongst Victorian tribes in the areas of the upper Murray, Ovens, upper Goulburn and Yarra rivers to avenge a death so that the spirit of the deceased would not 'saunter about and harass his relations'. He provides a detailed account of how an avenging party, or Gure, goes about its business. This article reveals a general reluctance to name Indigenous informants or white correspondents. However, Aboriginal informants who were consulted by Spencer and Gillen are named.
1. Kurnu
2. Barkunjee
3. Yungmunni
4. Chau-an
5. Chingalee
6. Arranda (language)
7. Loritya
8. Yaako
9. Yarlo
10. Iyi
11. Oitibi

1. Darling River
2. Bourke
3. Winbar Station
4. Warrego River
5. Fords bridge
6. Alice Springs
7. South-western district of Victoria
8. Katherine River
9. Elsey Creek
10. Port Darwin
11. Finke River
12. Mount Freeling
13. Adelaide
14. Port Lincoln
15. Port Augusta
16. Daly River
17. Coburg Peninsula
18. Perth
19. Oodnadatta
20. Hamilton Bore
21. Bloods Creek
22. Horse-shoe Bend
23. Alice Well
24. Alberga Creek
25. Charlotte Waters
26. Goyders Creek
27. Old Crown Point
28. Depot Well
29. Frances Well
30. Deep Well
31. Ooraminna
32. Lindsay River
33. Lower Finke River
34. Stuart
35. Pine Creek
36. Palmerston
37. Winnecke
38. Arltunga
39. Glen Helen Cattle Station
40. Macdonnell Ranges
41. Musgrave Ranges
42. Lake Amadeus
43. Ehrenberg Ranges
44. Blythe Ranges
45. Petermann Ranges
46. Lake Eyre
47. Croker Island
48. Raffles Bay
49. Port Essington
50. Port Phillip
51. Mary River
52. Upper Murray River
53. Mitta Mitta River
54. Ovens River
55. Upper Goulburn River
56. Yarra River

1. 'the natives' (95).
2. 'a capable and reliable resident' (of the Elsey Creek district) (105).
3. Mathews mentions, by name, two of Spencer's and Gillen's informants: '[t]he two blackfellows, 'Jimmy' and 'Warwick,' who acted as interpreters to Messers. Spencer and Gillen, are natives of the Lower Finke and Lindsay Rivers coutry, where they are usually employed on stations and otherwise' (115).
4. 'a resident' of the Macdonnell Ranges, who forwarded, at Mathews' request, information regarding pronouns (117).
5. States that the Loritya vocabulary supplied 'has been written down from the mouths of the native speakers, by one of my most valued correspondents in that locality' (120).
6. 'an aboriginal native of the Mitta Mitta River' (124).

1. 'a valuable correspondent in the Alice Springs district' who, at Mathews' request sent the latter information regarding the rules relating to the partitioning of game (104).
2. 'I am informed that ... ' (106) - by whom?
3. States that 'some friends of mine have had business at the mining fields, in the Alice Springs district' (114). Mathews does not state that these friends are informants, but this might be surmised. Alternatively, it might indicate that Mathews carried out his own fieldwork in the district under the 'patronage' of these friends.
4. 'a resident' of the Macdonnell Ranges, who forwarded, at Mathews' request, information regarding pronouns.


1. Refers to article on elementary grammar and vocabulary of the Kurnu language, contributed to the Royal Society of New South Wales in 1902 (95).
2. Refers to a supplementary grammar of the Kurnu language forwarded to the Anthropological Society in Paris in 1904 (95).
3. Refers to a description of Kurnu initiation ceremonies submitted to the Anthropological Society in Vienna in 1904 (95).
4. Refers to an article illustrating the sociology of the Barkunjee tribe, contributed to the Royal Society of New South Wales in 1905 (96).
5. Refers to sociology of the Yungmunni comminity (Elsey Creek) described for this journal in 1900 (105).
6. Refers to having described in 1899 sections and grammatical structure of the language of the people around Alice Springs (116-7).
7. Refers to 1900 published report on Loritya social organisation (four divisions) (118).
8. Notes having reported in 1903 'some other methods adopted by tribes ... in naming their dialects' (124).
9. Refers twice to a previous description of the 'Pirrimbir', which is a similar avenging expedition to the gure (126 and 129).

Mathews referred to the views on preganacy expressed on pp. 107-11 of this article as correct when he revised opinions expressed in earlier publications. This occurred in 'Notes on the Arranda tribe' (1907) when he retracted what he had said in 'Marriage and Descent among the Australian Aborigines' (1900) and 'Some Aboriginal Tribes of Western Australia' (1901).




Reference Type: Journal Article
Record Number: 19
Author: Mathews, R. H.
Year: 1907
Title: Aboriginal Navigation and other Notes
Journal: Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales
Volume: 41
Pages: 211-15
Keywords: Aboriginal settlement of Australia
Water transport - canoes
Water transport - rafts

Abstract: This article describes the use of Aboriginal watercraft through much of Australia. Some information was gained from personal observation. A number of historical references are also cited. Mathews briefly describes the manufacture of canoes and rafts and mentions areas of Australia in which they were used. He speculates on how Aboriginal people reached Tasmania, suggesting that they 'crossed over in rafts from island to island' at a time when the sea level was lower. This article is very similar to Mathews' publications 'Aboriginal Navigation' (1907-08) and 'Aboriginal Navigation in Australia' (1909).
Not applicable.

1. Eucla WA
2. Albany WA
3. Gladstone
4. Perth WA
5. Israelite Bay
6. Cambridge Gulf
7. Port Darwin
8. Port Essington
9. Wilsons Promontory
10. Kents Group
11. Flinders Island
12. Cape Grim
13. Gulf of Carpentaria
14. Cullen Bullen
15. 'Dabee' station in the Rylestone district

1. 'One of my friends who has been acquainted with the country between Perth and Israelite Bay since 1844' (211).

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

'Aboriginal Navigation' (1907-08)
'Aboriginal Navigation in Australia' (1909)




Reference Type: Book**
Record Number: 117
Author: Mathews, R. H.
Year: 1907
Title: Notes on the Aborigines of New South Wales
City: Sydney
Publisher: Government Printer of New South Wales
Number of Pages: 40
Keywords: Avenging
Ceremonies - initiation
Ceremonial objects - Bullroarers
Fishing - fish weirs
Music - vocal
Rock art
Sand and ground designs
Stories & motifs
Technology - implements/tools
Tree carvings

Abstract: This is a forty-page booklet aimed at a general audience. It was published by the New South Wales Government Printer and in the main it replicates material covered in earlier publications. The text is organised under eleven headings. 'Sociology of the Ngeumba Tribe' describes the kinship and marriage customs of the Ngeumba people who live in the vicinity of Brewarrina in northwest New South Wales. Mathews describes how the communities is organised into moieties and sections. He also describes the 'blood' and 'shade' divisions which also influence betrothals. He had previously written about this in Ethnological Notes on the Aboriginal Tribes of New South Wales and Victoria (1905) and other publications. The section headed 'The Bora of the Kamilaroi Tribes' replicates the account of the male initiation ceremony at 'Tallwood' in 1895. Mathews had visited the site of this ceremony and written about it in 'The Bora of the Kamilaroi Tribes' (1896). Much of the text here replicates the earlier article, however the two illustrations are new. They consist of a map of the bora encampment and a plate showing 54 tree carvings and ground designs […]. The carvings and designs are described in explanatory notes. The section titled 'Aboriginal Weapons, & c.' describes 35 artifacts used by the Kutthung of Port Stephens and adjacent tribes. The spears, shields, boomerangs, etc. are illustrated in two photographic plates which were supplied by Mathews' friend W. J. Enright who had previously reproduced them in articles published by the Royal Society of New South Wales. Sections titled 'Aboriginal Rock Paintings' and 'Aboriginal Rock Carvings' contain illustrations and descriptions of rock art sites from the Sydney region. Most, if not all, had previously been described in Mathews' earlier rock art publications. A section titled 'The Yaroma: a Legend' recounts a story concerning a large creature capable of eating whole men. This is followed by a section headed 'Pirrimbir, or Avenging Expedition'. Mathews has previously written on these subjects in Ethnological Notes on the Aboriginal Tribes of New South Wales and Victoria (1905). In 'Australian Folk-tales' (1909) he revealed that the Yaroma story was told by the Jirringan (Dyirringan) tribe. The section titled 'Bull-roarers used by the Aborigines' describes the sacred instruments used at initiations. The text as well as the illustrative plate is duplicated from Mathews' article 'Bullroarers used by the Australian Aborigines' (1897). The section titled 'Aboriginal Songs at Initiation Ceremonies' gives the lyrics and musical notation of 'certain sacred songs' from the South Coast of New South Wales. Mathews had previously published this material in 'The Thoorga Language' (1901-02). The section titled 'Some Curious Beliefs' recounts various beliefs concerning animals and the afterlife. Mathews also describes a practice in which the shriveled hand of a deceased person is carried as a charm against evil. The final section of the booklet is titled 'The Aboriginal Fisheries at Brewarrina'. This description of the Aboriginal weirs on the Barwon River includes a map and a photograph of the site. All were previously published in 'The Aboriginal Fisheries at Brewarrina' (1903).
1. Nguemba
2. Wongaibon
3. Kurnu
4. Kamilaroi
5. Pikumbil
6. Yualeai
7. Shoalhaven tribes
8. Wiradjuri
9. Kutthung
10. Thoorga
11. Wiradthuri
12. Parnkalla
13. Dyirringan
14. Nimbaldi

1. Brewarrina
2. Darling River
3. Bogan River
4. Nyngan
5. Cobar
6. Byrock
7. Mulga Creek
8. Tallwood QLD
9. Count of Carnarvon QLD
10. Redbank Creek QLD
11. Weir River QLD
12. Goondiwindi QLD
13. Welltown QLD
14. Kunopia QLD
15. Meroc QLD
16. St. George QLD
17. Moogan Mungindi QLD
18. Gundabloui QLD
19. Shoalhaven River
20. Manning River
21. Gulf of Carpentaria
22. Chasm Island
23. Port Jackson
24. Parish of Wareng
25. County of Hunter
26. Parish of Macdonald
27. Tollagong
28. Macdonald River
29. Botany Bay
30. Wisemans Ferry
31. Parramatta'
32. Parish of Frederick
33. Mangrove Creek
34. Hawkesbury River
35. Bantry Bay
36. Manly Cove
37. Peats Ferry Road
38. Narooma
39. County of Dampier
40. Adelaide SA
41. Port Lincoln SA
42. Macquarie River
43. Bogan River
44. Culgoa River
45. Clarence River
46. Richmond River
47. Bulli

1. 'my young friend Mr. W. J. Enright' (see 'other notes') (19).
2. 'two old aboriginals' (27).
3. Mr. W. W. Froggart (?), who 'courteously lent' Mathews a bullroarer (31).

1. Mr. W. J. Enright

1. Drawing - Plan of Bora Camp (6).
2. Drawing - Tree Carvings and Ground Drawings at Bora Camp (9).
3. Plate (photograph?) - Aboriginal Weapons (20). Plate supplied by Mr. W. J. Enright (20).
4. Plate (photograph?) - Aboriginal Weapons (22). Plate supplied by Mr. W. J. Enright (22).
5. Drawing - Aboriginal Rock Carvings (25).
6. Drawing - Plan of the Ngunnhu or Native Fish Traps in the Darling River at Brewarrina (39).
7. Photograph - Photographic View of the Ngunnhu or Native Fish Traps in the Darling River at Brewarrina (40).

1. Mathews refers collectively to his articles published by Royal Society of New South Wales, Geographical Society of Queensland, Royal Society of Victoria, Anthropological Institute of Great Britain, and Victoria Institute, London (3).
2. 'Ethnological Notes of the Aboriginal Tribes of New South Wales and Victoria' (3).
3. 'Sociology of some Australian Tribes' and 'Ethnological Notes of the Aboriginal Tribes of Queensland' (5).
4. Descriptions of Kamilaroi Bora published by Royal Society of New South Wales, Anthropological Institute of Great Britain, Royal Society of Victoria (18).
5. Articles on Bunan and Keeparra ceremonies (18).
6. Burbung of Wiradjuri (18).
7. Several articles in different journals dealing with initiation ceremonies of 'all the native tribes of New South Wales' (18).
8. Avenging parties (29).
9. Paper on Bunan (32).
10. Article to Anthropological Society of Washington 1896 - Bunan ceremony and songs (33).
11. Article to Royal Society of New South Wales on preparatory initiation rite and songs (33).
12. Work on songs (33).

'Australian Folk-tales' (1909) indicates that the Yarroma story was told by the Jirringan (Dyirringan) tribe.

'Ethnological Notes of the Aboriginal Tribes of New South Wales and Victoria' (1904 & 1905)




Reference Type: Journal Article
Record Number: 18
Author: Mathews, R. H.
Year: 1907-08
Title: Aboriginal Navigation
Journal: Queensland Geographical Journal
Volume: 23
Pages: 66-81
Keywords: Water transport - canoes
Water transport - rafts

Abstract: This article describes the use of Aboriginal watercraft through much of Australia. It is notable because Mathews draws heavily on his own observations regarding the structure and usage of canoes and rafts some of which date from as early as 1860. He also contests the claim of George Bennett and G. F. Angas that dugout canoes were used in Australia. There is a detailed review of other literature on the subject, but no mention of his own work, not even the article 'Aboriginal Navigation and Other Notes' (1907) which is very similar to this one. A later article, 'Aboriginal Navigation in Australia' (1909), also replicates some of this material.
1. Narrinyeri

1. Cape York, QLD
2. Gulf of Carpentaria, QLD
3. Port Essington, NT
4. Lower Murray River, SA
5. Caledon Bay, QLD
6. Blue Mud Bay, NT
7. Cullen Bullen, NSW
8. 'Dabee', Rylestone district NSW
9. Rylestone district, NSW
10. Port Darwin
11. Murrumbidgee River, NSW
12. Lachlan River, NSW
13. Murray River, NSW
14. Darling River, NSW
15. Namoi River, NSW
16. Macquarie River, NSW
17. Barwon River, NSW
18. Rockingham bay, QLD
19. Cardwell, QLD
20. Barrier Reef, QLD
21. Walker River, NT
22. Port Jackson
23. Victoria River, NT
24. Gregory River, NT
25. Gordon River, NT
26. Lake Alexandrina, SA
27. Derwent River, TAS
28. Frederick Henry Bay
29. Shoalhaven, NSW
30. Hunter River, NSW
31. Lower Lachlan River, NSW
32. Clarence River district
33. Manning River
34. Mitchell River, QLD
35. Palmer River, QLD
36. Saxby River, QLD
37. Burdekin River, QLD
38. Johnston River, QLD
39. Normanton, QLD
40. Allens Island, QLD
41. Pt. Parker, QLD
42. Bentinck Island, QLD
43. Bathurst Island, NT
44. Paterson Bay, NT
45. Hanover Bay, WA
46. Prince Regent River, WA
47. Roes Group, WA
48. Mermaid Strait, WA
49. Nickol Bay, WA
50. Gascoyne River, WA
51. Port Lincoln
52. Adventure Bay, TAS
53. Bruny Island, TAS

1. 'capable correspondents' (67).
2. 'old aborigines' (69).
3. 'white settlers of long standing' (69).
4. 'a large number of station owners, miners and others in Western Australia' (76).
5. Mr. Thomas Muir, 'of Deeside Station is a very old resident of Western Australia, and is well acquainted with the coast from Perth to Eucla' (76).
6. 'an old resident of the Manning river, who had roamed about with the blacks a good deal in his youth told me … ' (77).
7. 'The late Mr. Edward Palmer, who once owned some large stations in North Queensland, told me … ' (77).
8. 'One of my sons' (78).

1. Mr. Thomas Muir (76).


Not applicable.

'Aboriginal Navigation and Other Notes' (1907)
'Aboriginal Navigation in Australia' (1909)




Reference Type: Journal Article
Record Number: 139
Author: Mathews, R. H.
Year: 1909
Title: Some Burial Customs of the Australian Aborigines
Journal: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society
Volume: 48
Pages: 313-18
Keywords: Death - mourning caps
Mortuary customs

Abstract: This publication describes the use of 'kopai balls' and 'widow's caps' in burial and mourning practices in the area of western New South Wales along the Darling River from Bourke down to the town of Wentworth on the Murray. Information concerning Murawarri and Ngeumba people indicates the practices extended to the Culgoa and Barwon rivers also. Mathews lists names for kopai balls in various Aboriginal languages: murndu (Ngunnhalgu), yurda (Murawarri), dhaura (Ngeumba). Information from his Aboriginal informant Harry Perry reveals that graves were decorated with kopai balls to 'induce the bo-ri, or spirit of the dead person' to stay near the grave, thus preventing it from roaming through the camp and doing injury to anyone with whom the deceased may have had a feud. The manufacture of the balls and the mourning caps used by women (and occasionally men) is described. The role of smoking as purification in mourning rites is also mentioned. Three illustrations accompany the article: a photograph of four kopai balls, numbered and deep etched, and two photographs giving different views of a widow's cap. Minus the first paragraph, and with some variations in the illustrative material, this article also appeared under the titles Some Peculiar Burial Customs of the Australian Aborigines (1909) and 'Some articles used in burial and other rites by the Australian Aborigines' (1910).
1. Ngunnhalgu
2. Murawarri
3. Nguemba

1. Darling River
2. Yantara Station
3. Lake Cobham
4. Kallara Station on the Darling River [postal address: Louth]
5. Curronyalpa run
6. Tilpa
7. Wilcannia
8. Louth
9. Murray River
10. Fort Bourke, Bourke
11. Lake Bonnie
12. Lower Budda run, Darling River
13. Tankarooka run

1. 'An old aboriginal of the Ngunnhalgu tribe, known as Harry Perry by the white people' (313). Referred to as 'Old Perry' on page 315 (315).
2. 'An old man of the Murawarri tribe informed me … ' (315).
3. Mr. E. J. Suttor 'writes me that he has seen a dozen or more of the kopai balls lying on a native's grave' (315).
4. 'A Nguemba blackfellow told me … ' (315).
5. 'A resident … on Yantara Station, near Lake Cobham' (315). [Probably D. J. McLean whose correspondence survives in R. H. Mathews Papers.]
6. 'Another correspondent, at Kallara Station, on the Darling, states that … ' (315). [Probably G. Officer.]
7. Mr. Higgins, 'A long resident of the Darling region, writes me … ' (316).

1. 'Mr. E. J. Suttor writes me that he has seen a dozen or more of the kopai balls lying on a native's grave' (315).
2. 'Another correspondent, at Kallara Station, on the Darling, states that … ' (315).
3. Mr. Higgins, 'A long resident of the Darling region, writes me … ' (316).

1. Photograph - Kopai Balls (314).
2. Photograph - Mourning cap, outside view (316).
3. Photograph - Mourning cap, inside view (317)

Not applicable.

'Some Burial Customs of the Australian Aborigines' (1909) (this paper)
'Some Peculiar Burial Customs of the Australian Aborigines' (1909) (duplicate of this paper)
'Some Articles used in Burial and other Rites by the Australian Aborigines (1910) (duplicate of this paper)
'Further Notes on Ceremonial Stones, Australia' (1909)
'Ceremonial Stones used by the Australian Aborigines' (1909)
'Some Articles used in Burial and other Rites by the Australian Aborigines'
'Some Australian Magical Stones'
'Some Rock Pictures and Ceremonial Stones of the Australian Aborigines' (1910)
'Further Notes on Burial Customs, Australia' (1910)




Reference Type: Book
Record Number: 144
Author: Mathews, R. H.
Year: 1909
Title: Some Peculiar Burial Customs of the Australian Aborigines: Paper read before the Third Australasian Catholic Congress, Sydney, September, 1909
City: Sydney
Publisher: William Brooks
Number of Pages: 7
Keywords: Death - mourning caps
Mortuary customs

Abstract: This publication opens with a photographic portrait of the author, apparently taken around the time of publication when he was nearing seventy. It describes the use of 'kopai balls' and 'widow's caps' in burial and mourning practices in the area of western New South Wales along the Darling River from Bourke down to the town of Wentworth on the Murray. Information concerning Murawarri and Ngeumba people indicates that the practices extended to the Culgoa and Barwon rivers also. Mathews lists names for kopai balls in various Aboriginal languages: murndu (Ngunnhalgu), yurda (Murawarri), dhaura (Ngeumba). Information from his Aboriginal informant Harry Perry reveals that graves were decorated with kopai balls to 'induce the 'bo-ri', or spirit of the dead person' to stay near the grave, thus preventing it from roaming through the camp and doing injury to anyone with whom the deceased may have had a feud. The manufacture of these objects and of the mourning caps used by women (and occasionally men) is described. The role of smoking as purification in mourning rites is also mentioned. In addition to the portrait, the article contains two photographs. One shows examples of six kopai balls. The other shows a mourning cap. The text of this pamphlet was duplicated in two other publications: 'Some Burial Customs of the Australian Aborigines' (1909) and 'Some Articles used in Burial and other Rites by the Australian Aborigines' (1910). The illustrations are slightly different in the other articles.
1. Ngunnhalgu
2. Murawarri
3. Nguemba

1. Darling River - Bourke to Wentworth
2. Murray River
3. Yantara Station, near Lake Cobham
4. Kallara Station, on the Darling [postal address: Louth]
5. Brewarrina
6. Curronyala Run, on the Darling River near Tilpa
7. Fort Bourke, Bourke

1. 'An old aboriginal', Ngunnhalgu tribe, 'known as Harry Perry by the white people' (3); Mathews also calls him 'Old Perry' (4).
2. 'An old man', Murawarri tribe (4).
3. 'A Ngeumba blackfellow' (4).
4. Mr F. W. Beattie of Hobart - took photograph of mourning cap at Mathews' request (7).

1. Mr F. W. Beattie of Hobart (took photograph of mourning cap) (7).
2. Mr E. J. Suttor (station owner) (4).
3. 'Another correspondent' at Kallara Station (4). [Probably G. Officer below.]
4. Mr Higgins - written correspondence (5).
5. Mr G. Officer of Kallara Station described kopai balls in 1901 (5).
6. 'A resident' (on Yantara Station, near Lake Cobham) (4). [Probably D. J. McLean whose correspondence survives in R. H. Mathews Papers.]

1. Portrait of the author, apparently taken around the time of publication when he was nearing seventy.
2. Photograph: Kopai balls - includes description of discovery location, dimensions and weight (7).
3. Photograph: Mourning cap - includes explanation of discovery location and weight. This photograph comes from Mr F. W. Beattie of Hobart (7).

Not applicable.

'Some Burial Customs of the Australian Aborigines' (1909) (duplicate of this pamphlet)
'Some Articles used in Burial and other Rites by the Australian Aborigines (1910) (duplicate of this pamphlet)




Reference Type: Journal Article
Record Number: 201
Author: Mathews, R. H.
Year: 1909
Title: Aboriginal Navigation in Australia
Journal: American Antiquarian
Volume: 31
Pages: 23-27
Keywords: Water transport - canoes
Water transport - rafts

Abstract: This short article concerns the manufacture and use of rafts and canoes in mainland Australia and Tasmania. Mathews hypothesises that the Tasmanians might have reached their country by hopping from island to island in vessels. The article is punctuated by various personal observations of rafts and canoes in use. This article partially replicates material used in 'Aboriginal Navigation and Other Notes' (1907).
1. Coast of Western Australia from Eucla to Albany and thence northward about as far as Gladstone
2. Country between Perth and Israelite Bay.
3. Tasmania
4. Gascoyne River
5. Cambridge Gulf
6. Port Darwin
7. Port Essington
8. Murray River
9. Southern coast of Tasmania
10. Sydney
11. Botany Bay
12. Bass Strait
13. Wilsons Promontory via Kents Group, Flinders and other islands to Cape Portland
14. Cape Otway via King Island to Cape Grim
15. Southeast Victoria
16. Great Australian Bight
17. New South Wales
18. Victoria
19. Southeastern Queensland
20. South Australia
21. Northern Territory
22. Shoalhaven River, NSW
23. Lachlan River, NSW
24. Cape York Peninsula
25. Malay Archipelago
26. New Guinea

Not applicable.

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

'Aboriginal Navigation' (1907-08)
'Aboriginal Navigation and Other Notes' (1907)




Reference Type: Journal Article
Record Number: 73
Author: Mathews, R. H.
Year: 1910
Title: Further Notes on Burial Customs, Australia
Journal: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society
Volume: 49
Pages: 297-306
Keywords: Ceremonial objects - Bullroarers
Ceremonies - increase
Death - mourning caps
Mortuary customs

Abstract: This article continues a theme that is developed in several other of Mathews' late articles. It describes artefacts associated with mourning and burial along the Darling River and some of its tributaries in New South Wales. The article mentions the 'widow's caps' which Mathews had previously described. It also describes hollow cylinders made of gypsum which were placed on graves. There is some description of ceremonies where 'magic stones' were used […]. This information came from Enngonia, supplied by Gurara Charlie and Jimmy Kerrigan (who was associated with the Murawarri people of the Culgoa River). Mathews also recounts a story told to him by a correspondent, J. E. Suttor. It concerned the death of an Aboriginal woman on the Darling River in 1880 and how her grave was decorated with 'two hollowed kopai articles somewhat resembling widows' caps'.
1. Ngunnhalgu
2. Muruwarri

1. Darling River
2. Brewarrina
3. Menindee
4. Lake Tongo
5. Tongo Station
6. Paroo River
7. Wilcannia
8. Marra Station
9. Enngonia
10. Warrego River
11. Macquarie River
12. Mara River
13. Bogan River

1. ''Jimmy,' a head man of the Ngunnhalgu tribe, who resided most of his later years at Marra Station, on the Darling, and who died about ten years ago'? (301).
2. Mr. J. E. Suttor (301).
3. 'an old black fellow' met whilst surveying on the Darling and Paroo Rivers (302).
4. 'Harry Perry' gets a mention, but only in a quoted section from a previous article (303).
5. 'Mr. Tobin, who has lived a long time in the Darling district' (304).
6. ''Jimmy Kerrigan'' then at Enngonia [but born into the Muruwari tribe] who spoke to Mr. Tobin (304).
7. Gurara Charlie who spoke to Mr Tobin at Enngonia (304).
8. 'A station owner on the Darling River informs me … ' (305).

1. Mr. J. E. Suttor (301).
2. Mr. Tobin (304).
3. 'a friend of mine writes me' (305).
4. Mr. T. Worsnop (305).

1. Drawing of a mourning emblem (298).
2. Photograph of a cylindrical mourning emblem from Mathews' collection (299)

1. work on burial customs and stones, American Philosophical Society (297).
2. Widow's caps described in 1909 (301).
3. Three previous articles on ceremonial stones and burial customs, American Philosophical Society Proceedings (302).

'Further Notes on Ceremonial Stones, Australia' (1909)
'Ceremonial Stones used by the Australian Aborigines' (1909)
'Some Articles used in Burial and other Rites by the Australian Aborigines'
'Some Australian Magical Stones'
'Some Rock Pictures and Ceremonial Stones of the Australian Aborigines' (1910)
'Some Mourning Customs of the Australian Aborigines' (1912)




Reference Type: Journal Article
Record Number: 138
Author: Mathews, R. H.
Year: 1910
Title: Some Articles used in Burial and other Rites by the Australian Aborigines
Journal: Queensland Geographical Journal
Volume: 24
Pages: 63-72
Keywords: Ceremonial stones - Cylcons
Death - mourning caps
Mortuary customs
Religion - after death beliefs

Abstract: This publication describes the use of 'kopai balls' and 'widow's caps' in burial and mourning practices in the area of western New South Wales along the Darling River from Bourke down to the town of Wentworth on the Murray. Information concerning Murawarri and Ngeumba people indicates the practices extended to the Culgoa and Barwon rivers also. Mathews lists names for kopai balls in various Aboriginal languages: murndu (Ngunnhalgu), yurda (Murawarri), dhaura (Ngeumba). Information from his Aboriginal informant Harry Perry reveals that graves were decorated with these balls to 'induce the bo-ri, or spirit of the dead person' to stay near the grave, thus preventing it from roaming through the camp and doing injury to anyone with whom the deceased may have had a feud. The manufacture of these objects and of the mourning caps used by women (and occasionally men) is described. With slight variations in the illustrative material, pages 1-7 of this article were published as 'Some Peculiar Burial Customs of the Australian Aborigines' (1909) and 'Some Burial Customs of the Australian Aborigines' (1909). The article contains three photographs, all of which were used in 'Some Burial Customs of the Australian Aborigines'. The final section of the article is headed 'Ceremonial Stones' and is largely drawn from Mathews' publication 'Ceremonial Stones used by the Australian Aborigines' (1909). However the plate with line drawings of eight stones is unique to this article. There is no description of the ceremonies associated with these artefacts.
1. Ngunnhalgu
2. Murawarri
3. Nguemba

1. Darling River
2. Yantara Station
3. Lake Cobham
4. 'Kallara' Station on the Darling River [Louth]
5. Curronyalpa run
6. Tilpa
7. Wilcannia
8. Louth
9. Murray River
10. Fort Bourke
11. Lake Bonnie
12. Lower Budda run, Darling River
13. Tankarooka run
14. Warrego River

1. 'An old aboriginal of the Ngunnhalgu tribe, known as Harry Perry by the white people' (1). Referred to as 'Old Perry' on page 2 (2).
2. 'An old man of the Murawarri tribe informed me … ' (2).
3. Mr. E. J. Suttor 'writes me that he has seen a dozen or more of the kopai balls lying on a native's grave' (2).
4. 'A Nguemba blackfellow told me … ' (2).
5. 'A resident … on Yantara Station, near Lake Cobham' (2). [Probably D. J. McLean whose correspondence survives in R. H. Mathews Papers.]
6. 'Another correspondent, at Kallara Station, on the Darling, states that … ' (2). [Probably G. Officer.]
7. Mr. Higgins, 'A long resident of the Darling region, writes me … ' (3).
8. 'A station owner who has resided on the Darling river for more than thirty years informs me … ' (5).

1. 'Mr. E. J. Suttor writes me that he has seen a dozen or more of the kopai balls lying on a native's grave' (2).
2. 'Another correspondent, at Kallara Station, on the Darling, states that … ' (2).
3. Mr. Higgins, 'A long resident of the Darling region, writes me … ' (3).
4. Photographs supplied by Mr. F. W. Beattie - 'taken at my request' (7).

1. Photograph - Kopai Balls (3).
2. Photograph - Mourning cap, outside view (5).
3. Photograph - Mourning cap, inside view (6)
4. Drawing - Ceremonial Stones (9).

Not applicable.

'Some Burial Customs of the Australian Aborigines' (1909) (duplicate of this paper)
'Some Peculiar Burial Customs of the Australian Aborigines' (1909) (duplicate of this paper)
'Ceremonial Stones used by the Australian Aborigines' (1909) (partly duplicated in this paper)
'Further Notes on Ceremonial Stones, Australia' (1909)
'Some Australian Magical Stones' (1909)
'Some Rock Pictures and Ceremonial Stones of the Australian Aborigines' (1910)
'Some Curious Stones Used by the Aborigines' (1911)




Reference Type: Book Section
Record Number: 115
Author: Mathews, R. H.
Year: 1912
Title: Notes on some published Statements with regard to the Australian Aborigines
Book Title: Report of the Thirteenth Meeting of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, held at Sydney, 1911
City: Sydney
Publisher: Published by the Association
Volume: 13
Pages: 449-53
Keywords: Fishing - fish weirs
Kinship and marriage
Rock art

Abstract: This article addresses inaccuracies that had appeared in previous reports of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science and in other sources. Mathews criticises T. Worsnop's accounts of Aboriginal rock art, explaining how, in search of more reliable data, he encouraged T. A. Bradshaw, a telegraph officer at Alice Springs, to gather photographs and accurate descriptions. He also criticises accounts of the Brewarrina fish traps by G. S. Lang and K. Langloh Parker and remarks about Aboriginal hunting made by Sir George Grey. He also repeats his now well-established critique of A. W. Howitt's claim that the marriage and kinship rules of the Kaiabara community in Queensland descend patrilineally. The article is illustrated by a photograph take by Bradshaw of rock paintings on the Finke River, Northern Territory.
1. Euahlayi
2. Kaiabara

1. Alice Springs
2. Oonaminna rock-hole
3. Sullivans Creek, NT
4. Finke River
5. Nardoo Creek
6. County of Denison, QLD
7. Brewarrina
8. Bucklands Tableland, QLD

1. Mr. T. A. Bradshaw, the officer in charge of the telegraph station at Alice Springs (450).
2. 'a resident of the district [Central Queensland] indicated' (450).
3. 'old blackfellows … in the different States of the Commonwealth' (453).

1. Mr. T. A. Bradshaw (450).
2. 'a resident of the district [Central Queensland] indicated' (450).

1. Photograph supplied by T. A. Bradshaw of Aboriginal paintings, Finke River (454).

Not applicable.




Reference Type: Book Section
Record Number: 142
Author: Mathews, R. H.
Year: 1912
Title: Some Mourning Customs of the Australian Aborigines
Book Title: Report of the Thirteenth Meeting of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, held at Sydney, 1911
City: Sydney
Publisher: Published by the Association
Volume: 13
Pages: 445-49
Keywords: Death - mourning caps
Mortuary customs

Abstract: Most of the data in this article were previously published in Mathews' paper 'Further Notes on Burial Customs, Australia' (1910). It describes 'widow's caps' and a cylindrical mourning emblem found at Tongo Station in western New South Wales which had become part of the author's own collection. Photographs of the objects are included. Articles such as this cylinder were made from gypsum or clay and eventually placed on the grave of a deceased person. Some information was provided by Marra Jimmy, 'a headman of the Ngunnhalgu tribe and who died about ten years ago'. The description of the death and burial of an old Aboriginal woman, supplied by Mathews' correspondent E. J. Suttor, is again quoted. Suttor said that after she died near the Darling River in 1880, her grave was decorated with 'two hollowed kopai articles somewhat resembling widows' caps'.
1. Ngunnhalgu

1. Darling River
2. Tongo station
3. Tongo Lake
4. Paroo River
5. Fitzgerald County
6. Wilcannia
7. Curranyalpa run
8. Marra station
9. Macquarie River
10. Mara River
11. Bogan River

1. 'An old blackfellow, whom the white peole called 'Marra Jimmy', a headman of the Ngunnhalgu tribe, who resided most of his later years at Marra station, on the Darling, and who died about ten years ago' (447). Mathews also mentions him on page 448.
2. Mr. J. E. Suttor (of Curranyalpa run).
3. 'A station owner on the Darling River' (448).
4. 'an old blackfellow who had a skull among his paraphernalia, which he used for drinking purposes on ceremonial occasions' (449).

1. Mr. J. E. Suttor. Mathews reproduces a section of correspondence from Mr. J. E. Suttor, who wrote to Mathews regarding articles found at an Aboriginal grave (448).
2. 'A friend' who wrote to Mathews saying that he 'has seen five [widows'] caps ... but cannot remember details' (448).

1. Three (3) Photographs of widows' caps

1. Refers to having before described widows' caps and kopai as found along the Darling River (445).
2. Refers to describing widows' caps in 1908 (447).

'Further Notes on Burial Customs, Australia' (1910)



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