..CAPNO     Johnston.T2.BW

..DEPOSITR  Thomas Harvey Johnston

..CAPTION LIST covers N3842-N3848 (some A3 material)

            Code 6A:'Granites trip' 8/1936; spinning fur



..NUMBER    N3842.28

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   spinning opossum fur



..NUMBER    N3842.29

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   spinning opossum fur



..NUMBER    N3842.30

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   spinning opossum fur



..NUMBER    N3843.02

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Central Aust.

..DSCRPTN   Native tobacco, near Granites



..NUMBER    N3843.03

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Central Aust.

..DSCRPTN   Native tobacco, near Granites



..NUMBER    N3843.04

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Central Aust.

..DSCRPTN   Native walnut, near Granites



..NUMBER    N3843.05

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Central Aust.

..DSCRPTN   Native walnut, near Granites



..NUMBER    N3844.07

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT.

..DSCRPTN   heating snake over fire prior to cooking  (melting the




..NUMBER    N3844.08

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT.

..DSCRPTN   cooking snake (has been coiled to reduce size before




..NUMBER    N3844.09

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT.

..DSCRPTN   native about to pull snake out by protruding neck (head

            previously removed by our party) from ashes in which just cooked



..NUMBER    N3844.10

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT.

..DSCRPTN   dismembering snake prior to eating



..NUMBER    N3844.11

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT.

..DSCRPTN   eating the cooked snake



..NUMBER    N3844.12

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT.

..DSCRPTN   cooking snake (covering it with hot ashes)



..NUMBER    N3844.13

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT.

..DSCRPTN   rubbing snake fat on his body.  Removing entrails from

            cooked snake - titbits (eggs) arranged along the stick in front

            of native



..NUMBER    N3844.14

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT.

..DSCRPTN   rubbing fat (from cooked snake) on body



..NUMBER    N3845.16

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   old men about to prepare for second part of 'native

            currant' ceremony. Old man in middle about to be decorated (A3)



..NUMBER    N3845.17

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   making special head gear for 'native currant' ceremony

            - all sing from time to time (A3)



..NUMBER    N3845.18

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   chief performer - 'native currant' ceremony, decoration

            completed (A3)



..NUMBER    N3845.19

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   obtaining blood for the 'native currant' ceremony (A3)



..NUMBER    N3845.20

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   pattern originates from hole. 'Native currant'

            ceremony. Pattern already outlined first in fat, then in blood,

            and now being intensified with Hakea charcoal (A3)



..NUMBER    N3845.21

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   'native currant' ceremony. Outlining pattern with 'down' and blood (A3)



..NUMBER    N3845.22

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   'native currant' ceremony. Pattern intensified with

            charcoal from Hakea log - foreground (A3)



..NUMBER    N3845.23

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   completed freize 'native currant' ceremony (A3)



..NUMBER    N3845.24

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   'native currant' ceremony. First before young men

            called up (A3)



..NUMBER    N3845.25

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   'native currant' ceremony. (A3)



..NUMBER    N3846.27

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   party setting out for distant trip. Natives on top of




..NUMBER    N3846.28

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   Mountford feeding these women and children



..NUMBER    N3846.29

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   (Olive Pink went with the party)



..NUMBER    N3846.30

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..SUBJECT   Olive Pink

..DSCRPTN   native currant ceremony.  Final stage after younger men

            have ben called up. Chief performer progressing by sweeping

            movements to right and left towards the hole from which the

            pattern isues (A3)



..NUMBER    N3846.31

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   soak (about 20 miles from Granites)



..NUMBER    N3846.32

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   scars on thigh



..NUMBER    N3846.33

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   smoke signals near Granites



..NUMBER    N3847.02

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   part of our camp, cookhouse etc - Behren's neg.



..NUMBER    N3847.03

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   Burdekin duck mine - Behren's neg.



..NUMBER    N3847.04

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   Burdekin duck mine (Chapman's) - Behren's neg.



..NUMBER    N3847.05

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..SUBJECT   L to R:Brown, Sprigg, Johannson, Mountford, Hall, Fry,

            JBC, Black, TH(?)

..DSCRPTN   Behren's neg.



..NUMBER    N3847.06

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   Behren's neg.



..NUMBER    N3847.07

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..SUBJECT   Black

..DSCRPTN   measuring natives - Behren's neg.



..NUMBER    N3847.08

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   smoke signal, Granites region - Behren's neg.



..NUMBER    N3847.09

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   natives decorated when visiting our camp - Behren's




..NUMBER    N3847.10

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   native drawings - Behren's neg. (A3)



..NUMBER    N3847.11

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   Behren's neg.



..NUMBER    N3847.12

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   cooks store - Behren's neg.



..NUMBER    N3847.13

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   painting sacred design on back of a pitchi - Behren's

            neg. (A3)



..NUMBER    N3847.14

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   Behren's neg.



..NUMBER    N3847.15

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   painting sacred design on back of a pitchi - Behren's

            neg. (A3)



..NUMBER    N3847.16

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   painting sacred design on back of a pitchi - Behren's

            neg. (A3)



..NUMBER    N3848.02

..DATE      Aug1936

..PLACE     Thompson's Rockhole, NT

..DSCRPTN   sacred stone with native carving (cuplike cavities)



..NUMBER    N3848.03

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Thompson's Rockhole, NT

..DSCRPTN   sacred rock with carvings



..NUMBER    N3848.04

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Thompson's Rockhole, NT

..DSCRPTN   native drawings



..NUMBER    N3848.05

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Thompson's Rockhole, NT

..DSCRPTN   sacred stone with paintings



..NUMBER    N3848.06

..DATE      Aug 1936

..DSCRPTN   Thompson's Rockhole, NT

..DSCRPTN   our cars at Thompson's Rockhole - the water lies just

            to right of man on right



..NUMBER    N3848.07

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Central Aust.

..SUBJECT   JBC, Black, Hall

..DSCRPTN   cairn on top of Mt. Gillen



..NUMBER    N3848.08

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Central Aust.

..DSCRPTN   collecting firewood on outward journey



..NUMBER    N3848.09

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Central Aust.

..DSCRPTN   camp from granite outcrop.  Dry soak in foreground,

            facecasting tent, bloodgrouping tent, studio



..NUMBER    N3848.10

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Central Aust.

..DSCRPTN   general view of camp.  Studio and facecasting tent,

            kitchen and dining tent in background. General worktent can be

            seen on right amongst boulders



..NUMBER    N3848.11

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Central Aust.

..DSCRPTN   ghost gums (Eric Paprema?) Granites track beyond

            Cockatoo Creek



..NUMBER    N3848.12

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Central Aust.

..DSCRPTN   Brook's grave at Brook's soak



..NUMBER    N3848.13

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Central Aust.

..DSCRPTN   making glass spearhead - chipping it by using teeth



..NUMBER    N3848.14

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   women



..NUMBER    N3848.15

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT



..NUMBER    N3848.18

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Central Aust.

..SUBJECT   Black on right

..DSCRPTN   great anthill, Granites track



..NUMBER    N3848.19

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Central Aust.

..SUBJECT   Johannsen on top

..DSCRPTN   great anthill. Granites track. Car in background



..NUMBER    N3848.20

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Mt Gillen, NT

..DSCRPTN   Mt Gillen (half way up) - looking along cliff on

            northern face towards Heavitree Gap



..NUMBER    N3848.21

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Central Aust.

..SUBJECT   Hall, in foreground

..DSCRPTN   Archibal's soak, Granites track



..NUMBER    N3848.22

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Thompson's Rockhole, NT



..NUMBER    N3848.23

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Thompson's Rockhole, NT



..NUMBER    N3848.24

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Simpsons Gap, NT



..NUMBER    N3848.25

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Simpsons Gap, NT



..NUMBER    N3848.26

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Simpsons Gap, NT



..NUMBER    N3848.27

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Simpsons Gap, NT



..NUMBER    N3848.28

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Simpsons Gap, NT



..NUMBER    N3848.29

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Simpsons Gap, NT



..NUMBER    N3848.30

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   looking down into Granites soak



..NUMBER    N3848.31

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Granites, NT

..DSCRPTN   soak at Granites - dug out and petrol drum put in to

            ensure better and more ready supply for natives - lies in

            depression between granite boulders



..NUMBER    N3848.32

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Central Aust.

..SUBJECT   Hall in foreground

..DSCRPTN   large type of anthill. Granites track beyond Cockatoo




..NUMBER    N3848.33

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Thompson's Rockhole, NT

..DSCRPTN   native drawings on granite



..NUMBER    N3848.34

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Thompson's Rockhole, NT

..DSCRPTN   granite with native paintings



..NUMBER    N3848.35

..DATE      Aug 1936

..PLACE     Thompson's Rockhole, NT

..DSCRPTN   native drawings on granite
